The lululemon Unicorn Tears throwback capsule has just dropped! Find out the history of Unicorn Tears Print and why this is the most popular lululemon collector item. This is the best lululemon throwback drop so far! A second Throwback item landed as well today, the Throwback Velocity Gym Bag!
I have a post you can Read here about the history of the most iconic collectable lululemon print, Unicorn Tears on The Sweat Edit. The original post was from 2012. But it has been updated this year to amalgamate images and provide further context. The Sweat Edit is a vault of every lululemon drop since 2010! This is your most comprehensive lululemon archive. It includes the social context of lululemon pieces, which items had technical issues, and which ones where most prized as collectible, which items sold for 3-4 times their original price.
Also, this drop is actually two throwbacks in one! Not only do we have Unicorn Tears being brought back, but the Velocity Gym Bag is also an old iconic lululemon style. This is an early 2008-2010 style bag. The bowling bag style was everywhere. Even Aritzia had their own competing version through their TNA brand. The lululemon bag was the original and superior model of course.
Over the past few months (and for the next year at least) I’ve been working on updating and reorganizing my vintage lululemon archives which will make it much easier to find specific items for your reference. I’ll have a dedicated page up for it soon!
I wish the colors of this new version of Unicorn Tears Print was the same as the original which was much more vibrant and saturated. IAlso, would love to have the original Unicorn Tears Downtime Jacket – at retail price of course.
I ordered the Align Waist Length Tank, and the Throwback Velocity Gym Bag. Moreover, I missed out on the grey Throwback Still Pant and was really bummed about that, so I jumped on this upload.
I actually think the new Still Pants are a huge improvement since they are made of NULU, I just wish they came in black.
Cristina founded The Sweat Edit community in 2010, from her home in Vancouver, BC. She loves working out when she’s not at work managing the website. Her favourite workouts include olympic weightlifting, crossfit, running, and spinning on her Peloton. Favourite Peloton Workouts: Power Zone Training with Denis Morton or Matt Wilpers. Read about The Sweat Edit for more.
Me too! (Ordered the velocity gym bag)
UT is one of my favorite all time prints! I have the original WUs, CRB, scoop tank, etc. I ordered a Define and Align Crops. Now if lulu would bring back Quiet Stripes, they may be onto something….
Ordered the bag and the crops! Super excited for the bag but I loved them more when they were cheaper! Ha ha. Worth it though as it feels like it’s been forever since I loved a lulu bag. Ps. Unpopular opinion but I prefer this colour way of unicorn tears. I actually never liked the original and didn’t get the hype. I adore this new one.
Maybe I’m boring and old but I don’t find the UT particularly nice. However this colorway is nicer than the original.
I got a little carried away since the original UT was one of my favorites. I ended up ordering the leggings, high neck tank, define and flow y with the idea that I might return some pieces if the print placement is off. I’m really excited to get my stuff and see what I want to keep.