Happy lululemon boxing day!

Your source for lululemon boxing day tips and tricks!

by Cristina

Your source for lululemon boxing day sale tips and tricks! The Sweat Edit has been blogging about lululemon on sale lululemon on sale since 2010 and the lululemon boxing day sale is the best of the year!

lululemon boxing day sale tips and tricks guide

Happy lululemon boxing day sale!

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones and have kept healthy and safe. I always love the New Year and the anticipation of a brand new fresh slate. This is the time I start thinking about what I want for the coming year and writing down goals. I found this mural in Vancouver (South Grandville) and I loved the quote. so much. It really made me think of this past year, and how I want to walk through this coming year.  ‘What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through The Fire’. 

I’ve been recovering from my Septoplasty/Functional Rhinoplasty, and on Christmas Eve-Eve I finally got the stents removed from my nose. I feel pretty amazing now! The first 5 days post surgery where rough, but so worth it. I can’t wait to experience this post-septoplasty ‘life changing’ thing everyone tells me about. I expect it will make my energy level and workouts so much better. I’ll definitely have a post up soon with my experience. 

How was your holiday? Did you get anything from the Boxing Day lululemon markdowns? I just love to find lululemon on sale. I always find so many great pieces from my wish list. Boxing day shopping is such a fun event.  Let me know in the comments how your Christmas/Boxing Day has gone. I love reading your comments.  

boxing day lululemon
Shopping on boxing day. Lululemon Everywhere Fleece Belt Bag is super handy for hands free shopping
boxing day at lululemon this week

Check out my adorable mom in her new Pack It Down Jacket. She loves it! She was so happy to get a fancy lululemon jacket for Christmas.

Share your boxing day lululemon sale picks in the comments below!

boxing day lululemon sale shopping - boxing day 2022
boxing day shopping 2022 - lulu boxing day sales
boxing day lululemon shopping

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Tiffany Morton December 26, 2021 - 11:04 am

I purchased the beautiful Night Sea Down for a Run Jacket Shine!! I am so absolutely in love with Night Sea and totally could not talk myself out of the Boxing Day sale price! I ordered a size up, fingers crossed that was the right decision.

Happy holidays!
I’m a long time follower from the Unicorn Days!

Run wild Tiff

Cristina December 26, 2021 - 2:53 pm

beautiful! I tried that one on in store and loved it. i ordered the same jacket in the pink savannah.

Ali December 26, 2021 - 5:00 pm

Too funny! I ordered the black one! Chose TTS which I’m worried I’ll regret


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