Lululemon Holiday Uploads

by Cristina

The lululemon holiday uploads are here! Some pretty new items uploaded today. I ordered another pair of the Ready To Rulu Jogger Crops because I’ve been living in them. My favourite pair so far are the Graphite Grey which uploaded last week. Fully embracing that #greysweatpantlife.

These new embossed Wunder Under High Rise Tights in Cranberry Pink Foil are really beautiful. I will definitely consider them if they come in crop length. I love the brighter fun tights for cycling on my Peloton at home. Helps me get right into it when it’s super dark and dreary out at 4pm which is when I like to ride. Remember that Peloton wife commercial last year during the holidays? LOLZ. Who knew.

How ARE you guys this week? Everyone hanging in alright? How’s the holiday shopping going for you? I’d love to know what you guys are doing for gifting this year for your extended families if you are in a location not allowing extended family gatherings.

What new holiday celebrations are you incorporating this year to make it festive? I’ve been making a lot of cookies with the kids which typically I don’t like doing. I don’t love baking but I also don’t like having a lot of baked goods around to tempt me. This year though, that’s what’s keeping my kids happy and in the holiday spirit. Also, card games. I got a set of Unstable Unicorns and Exploding Kittens, and we’ll be doing a lot of game nights with the kids during the holidays. I’m tempted to get a cheap chess set and see if we can learn that too.

Hope you guys are all doing well. Don’t forget to join the Facebook group if you need a little virtual social hangout.

Lululemon holiday uploads
lululemon holiday upload, lululemon face mask

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Andie December 8, 2020 - 2:26 pm

The cranberry pink foil is so pretty! Unfortunately Wunder Unders and Luxtreme aren’t my leggings or material of choice. 2020 has been quite challenging in so many ways. Here’s hoping that 2021 will bring more normalcy.

Samantha December 8, 2020 - 3:44 pm

Yes those special edition wunder unders are gorgeous!! 28” is way too long for me, and I don’t feel like dealing with the hemming.

I went in store today and tried a bunch of styles that have been out awhile. I ended up really liking the wunder train long sleeve but didn’t pull the trigger at $88. I know it was on the Black Friday sale so I can hope it’ll go on wmtm again.

Stacy December 8, 2020 - 3:53 pm

We’ve been baking cookies too. Usually, we do a few different ones, but this year, we have many so many! It is fun though and my kids enjoy it. We’ve also been driving around to look at decorations while listening to Christmas music. I’ve done most of my shopping online in the past few months and it’s caused me to lose track of what I’ve purchased. I need to get it all out in one spot to make sure that there is an even amount of stuff for each kid.

Have you played “Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza”? My kids love that card game! It is so much fun!! I highly recommend it.

Those cranberry pink foil ones are beautiful. I’m hoping someone puts up some try-on pics up on FB. It would be great to hear about how they compare IRL to the online photos. I want the Ready to Rulu Fleece joggers. I’m curious to know if they are thicker and warmer than the regular Ready to Rulu. I really loved the Plush Times jogger from last year and I’m looking for something similar to those.

Bootsgirl December 8, 2020 - 6:15 pm

I have had good luck with the last 2 uploads and am also interested in the Ready to Rulu Jogger Crops. May I ask what size you ordered? The reviews are mixed in ordering up a size or not. Thanks!

Bonnie December 9, 2020 - 12:39 pm

Hi everyone! I am having some problems with my gift cards . My gift cards got inactivated when my online order failed. I’ve been on chat with 4 different GEC for the past 3 weeks and they all gave me different answers . Some said they will send me a new card and other said they will put the fund back in my old card . Every time I have to wait 3-5 business days . I’m still not having any luck with getting my gift card money back. Any advice will be appreciated !! Thank you !!


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