Check Out What’s New At Lululemon: Lululemon Upload

by Cristina

The Lululemon Upload is live!

This week’s posts:

The 2018 Nordstrom Anniversary SaleThe Complete Bra Wardrobe#girltalk – Sugaring Hair Removal

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Nothing for me today, especially since I’m now in hoard money mode to spend at the 2018 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. No Starbucks coffees or unnecessary spending for me for the next few weeks! If that wasn’t just around the corner, I’d pounce on the Figue Define Jacket and the Figue Essential Tank.

Did you order anything? Try anything on?

Define Jacket

Define Jacket, Check Out What's New At Lululemon

On Pace Crop

On Pace Crop

Run Times Short IIRun Times Short II

Speed Up Crop

Speed Up Crop, Check Out What's New At Lululemon Lululemon Speed Up Crop - Ocean Spray Fluro

For The Run TankFor The Run Tank

Essential TankEssential Tank - Heathered Figue, Lululemon Upload

Define Pullover

Define Pullover, Lululemon Upload

On The Fly Short

On The Fly Short, Lululemon Upload

Spring Break Away Short

Spring Break Away Short - Washed Marsh

Swiftly Tech SSSwiftly Tech Short Sleeve Crew

All Town Buttondown

All Town Buttondown

Love Tank II ExpressionLove Tank II Expression

Love Tee V

Love Tee V

Ready To Race Crop – Moss Rose

Ready To Race Crop

Shoes Featured on Lululemon

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[shopr_shopthepost collection=”lululemon” size=”large”]

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Looloo June 26, 2018 - 6:55 pm

Just saw the new pink haze speed shorts on markdown to 39 at vancouver outlet…now makes me think twice about buying when i see people getting them for $20 cheaper.

Stacy June 26, 2018 - 9:21 pm

Nothing for me today. I’m also saving for the Anniversary Sale. But I’m happy to see Clear Mint back. It’s one of my favorites that often surprises me with how many colors and patterns it matches. Fingers crossed for a FTB in it. The straps on my old one are starting to stretch out.

I kind of like CM with the grey splatter, but I usually don’t wear bottoms that light. Maybe I’ll catch some on MD.

emily June 27, 2018 - 4:04 am

While I’m loving all of the color, I’m also wondering how many slightly different shades of mauve they can introduce!

Andrea June 27, 2018 - 6:36 am

I’m thinking of getting my first pair of Lululemon shorts and not sure which one to get. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Anonymous June 27, 2018 - 7:36 am

I have athletic / cyclist thighs. I love the Tracker short. The Run Times are nice and a little smaller cut in the leg but the 6 is tight and the 8 is too big, the Tracker is always a 6 for me.

Cristina June 27, 2018 - 8:25 am

Tracker shorts for me too but I have big quads and I prefer a longer style. If you are big in the thigh or butt, these are the shorts for you.

Andrea June 27, 2018 - 8:49 am

Thank you both for the suggestions! I’ve read the product reviews and will give the Tracker Shorts a try!

Anon June 27, 2018 - 2:41 pm

I’m with you Cristina liking a longer inseam so I buy Trackers now since they changed the fit of Run Times. I still wear my Groovy Run Shorts and the original Run Times.

Emily June 27, 2018 - 4:06 pm

I miss the Groovy Runs and definitely the original Run Times. I wear the Trackers and the Hotty Hot longs. However, I just bought a pair of Adidas Sequencials running shorts at Dick’s for $20 and I really, really like them!

Jenn June 27, 2018 - 7:27 am

Can’t find the All Town Buttondown shirt on the website. Was it sold out that fast?

Runrunyogi June 27, 2018 - 1:26 pm

That’s weird. I don’t see it in the women’s section but when it was listed it gave the model’s measurements and stated she was wearing a size small. It is still available in the men’s section.

Jenn June 27, 2018 - 2:18 pm

Yes, it looks like it is available on the men’s section, but I called 3 stores and GEC said it is a different cut for women’s version.

Anon June 27, 2018 - 2:42 pm

I thought the description said she was wearing a men’s size.

ANON June 28, 2018 - 1:11 pm

I stopped by the store and it’s a Men’s shirt. They had a XS that I tried on. I’m a size 2 and this top in XS was way too loose on me. I wish Lulu would make this shirt in women’s sizes

allie June 27, 2018 - 8:42 am

Hi LLM, is Mrs. O going to do any more posts?
Also, not loving this upload.

Cristina June 27, 2018 - 9:10 am

I hope so! She has some things going on so she’s a bit busy at the moment but I’d love for her to post when she’s free.

Anne June 27, 2018 - 10:28 am

I’m not a fan of this upload either, but it’s good for my pocketbook. I’m pretty picky now, so I have to really LOVE an item to buy it.

My lastest purchase was the Fuschia Pink Fast and Free crops. There was a customer in the store who was trying to convince me that the Ruby Red was a better choice for me because the pink was way too bright. (I had tried on both) Of course I ignored her opinion and bought what makes me happy. And I LOVE them. ?

And I was also wondering about Mrs. O. I was hoping that she was just busy and not having health issues. I miss her posts.

Cristina June 27, 2018 - 11:40 am

Just really busy with her day job. I’ll shoot her a message and let her know you guys are thinking about her.

Mrs. O June 27, 2018 - 4:26 pm

Thanks Anne for your concern! I really love this community and I missed all of you. Hopefully, I’ll be back into the full swing of things next week.

I’ve been having withdrawal symptoms because I haven’t been able to participate in this community.

Anon June 27, 2018 - 2:52 pm

I would like to get others input into whether the s/s swiftly being worn with the Run Times is figue. It looks like it has a bit more of a purple undertone so I am thinking it may be smoked mulberry that hasn’t been released yet. I wish I could get that picture beside the picture of the figue swiftly to compare them. I like the figue colour better in the Define fabric than the Swiftly fabric. I saw the figue Swiftly in store today and although I like it I am still going to wait to see if they release a smoked mulberry. I just can’t get over how many shades of blue, green, purple and pinks there are this year.

Nothing for me this week.

Wei June 27, 2018 - 3:19 pm

I am overwhelmed with colors this season – can’t believe that I am saying this. It is a good thing but I wish that they can step up with their design too.

I miss Mrs. O’s reviews too!

Mrs. O June 27, 2018 - 4:26 pm

Wei, I miss doing them too! It gives me an excuse to “need” to go shopping! 🙂

Mrs. O June 27, 2018 - 4:24 pm

Hi Everyone!

I’m so sorry I’ve been away from the blog. I’ve been dealing with some unexpected in-law issues which required my full attention (but everyone is fine). Also, my “part-time” work started to turn into full time work. Unfortunately, my work ebbs and flows that way.

Yes, you will definitely be seeing more fit reviews from me. I have several half written fit reviews that are so old now. So, I’ll have to start from scratch. Although there’s one Lululemon post that I will finish (one product probably) because it’s a new style of tight/crop in an old pattern. I noticed on this upload there’s a new print in the same style. I just absolutely love the style, fit and the fact it’s Nulux. So, if you can be a bit more patient, I’ll do my best to finish a few short posts this weekend.

I also have an idea on a non-athletic gear post that’s related to athletics that I hope to finish. I realized in my struggle to find something that works for me that I couldn’t be the only person with this problem.

I’m going to catch up on what I’ve missed the past couple of weeks on the blog and finish some of the posts I was working on that may still be relevant.

Cristina June 27, 2018 - 5:05 pm

Please don’t worry about getting stuff this weekend! If life gets too hectic, there are always new post ideas and things to write about later. We love your posts and will be happy to have you back anytime!

Breanna June 28, 2018 - 8:35 am

Does anyone cut the liner out of their Lulu shorts? I’m really tempted to do this with my pair of trackers, but I don’t want to regret it!

ANON June 28, 2018 - 1:09 pm

hi, I cut the liner out of all my Lululemon skirts because I”m allergic to that sticky silicone that lines the interior part of the hem. I cut out the liner of my Speed Shorts. I don’t wear trackers so not sure about that. I’m assuming it will be fine.

Joanna June 28, 2018 - 10:44 am

Nothing for me, I didn’t find upload very exciting so I bought a couple of things off of WMTM instead. There is also one thing I am hoping to snag during the Nord Sale. I’m not a cardholder so we will see if it’s still around when the time comes.


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