

I know these items are older items but I recall there being some interest in them.  I was slightly interested in relaxed wraps because I saw a friend wearing one and it looked cute on her.

Lululemon Rejuvenate Scarf - LULULEMON FIT REVIEW Lululemon Rejuvenate Scarf Lululemon Rejuvenate Scarf Lululemon Rejuvenate Scarf


I really liked the way the Rejuvenate Wrap draped on the hanger so I grabbed it to try on.  And it was pink.  I’ve never tried one of these wraps on so I wasn’t quite sure how to wear it.  So, I went for the most obvious way.  It was a lot longer than I expected.  I wish there was a way that I could have turned it horizontally so there’d be more wrapping around me, while my arms were in the holes.  This way it would be shorter.  I’m sure there is a way but I couldn’t figure it out quickly and I didn’t want to read the tag.  Although it’s kind of like a blanket wrapped around you, there still was some structure to it.  It’s a nice wrap but I’m not sure how many times I would wear it.  I hardly wear my On the Go Poncho, which you can find on eBay here.

Lululemon Still Movement Wrap Lululemon Still Movement Wrap Lululemon Still Movement Wrap


The Still Movement Wrap is more functional for me but it’s not really a wrap, which is what I was looking for.   It actually looked better than I expected.  I really like the different knit patterns and how lightweight it was.  The back slits draped nicely (when my arms were down) and didn’t open up much (when my arms were up).  It did feel like you were wearing a wrap because there was no constricting waistband or front closure.  It’s an option but with warmer weather coming, it’s not something I’d buy right now at full price.

Lululemon Day Tripper Dress Lululemon Day Tripper Dress


The Day Tripper Dress is a very roomy TTS.  I’m fairly sure most of you will size down in this dress.  This would probably be a good dress to wear to/fro the beach/pool.  Tee shirt dresses don’t really work for me because it gives me no shape.  And because it’s cotton, it doesn’t drape like modal, rayon or other materials would.  What I really liked about this dress was the back.  The back cut out gave an otherwise plain dress an interesting detail.  I think it would look cute over a bathing suit or a strappy bra.  One thing is for sure, this dress was really, really comfortable.  I would definitely lounge around in this dress.  I just wish it were a v-neck.

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gg May 22, 2018 - 9:47 pm

Thank you Mrs.O for another great fit review. The Rejuvinate Transformational wrap is such a pretty color, I am tempted to give it a try. Did it feel like it would be super delicate or just delicate? 🙂

Mrs. O May 23, 2018 - 7:55 am

Thanks GG! I didn’t think the Rejuvenate Transformational Wrap was very delicate. And I didn’t really feel it was delicate. I would treat it as though it were a sweater but I wasn’t too concerned about snagging it or pulling it. It was really soft and light. The pink color was really gorgeous! I just wish I had the energy to figure out how to really wear it. I saw it in store again and was tempted but other things grabbed my attention that I knew I would use more.

Anne May 23, 2018 - 9:56 am

The color of the wrap was pretty, but if it comes with directions, I’ll pass.

I agree that the dress wasn’t the right cut for you. You have a great figure and it was too boxy to flatter your shape.

I haven’t been able to find a summer dress yet. My husband surprised me with a trip to Lululemon last weekend and I got to try on the “Get Going” Dress. What a disappointment… It was very unflattering on me. You could see underwear lines and it was clingy in the midsection. My stomach isn’t big, but it’s not completely flat… and it showed.

I finally got to try on a pair of Dance Studio Pants and was disappointed with them as well. I usually wear a 4 and sized up to a 6 because the 4 was strangling me. Even the 6 pulled in the crotch area and was NOT flattering to the butt. I was surprised because I always think of Lulu as being flattering to the rear.

So I ended up with a fun pair of Fast and Frees in Monochromic Black. I thought they might be too busy, but they are super cute with a black top and black shoes.

I really appreciate your reviews, Mrs. O. ?

Mrs. O May 23, 2018 - 12:19 pm

Thanks, Anne! Yay for your husband taking you on a Lululemon shopping trip. My husband did the same this past weekend and I found a couple of things on markdown in colors that I wanted. There are several new items I have my eye on and will have to make a decision on those things. I did a few more try ons and am working on more fit reviews. I got busy with life so there’s been a slight delay on my part. They’re coming so stay posted!


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