Australia Upload

by Cristina

I got really excited a few minutes ago when I saw the bright new landing page on the Australian website (late upload for them today). But then I saw just a small handful of new items in black and white. What is Lee Holman doing to this brand? September/October is the ramp up towards Christmas for product sales in the retail market and so far it’s been the worst two months in the past 7 years as far as product lineup goes (and sales analytics I’m sure!). This is when they are supposed to be picking up huge sales momentum and what I’m hearing is stores are not doing well at all. People are very worried about their sales numbers. 

Run Around Crop/Scatter Star Arctic Grey

On The Run Short/Fall Net White

Work The Circuit Tank

Double Tap Bra

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Alyssa Van Diest October 3, 2016 - 11:43 pm

At this rate, Lee Holman will destroy Lululemon. I used to spend hundreds of dollars each month and now… hardly anything (which my hubby is OK with, ha!). I have not been impressed with ANYTHING I have seen come out the past two months! Not trying to beat a dead horse, but the quality has gone downhill so quickly it is disturbing (especially with the price hikes and lackluster design). Heartbreaking!

Christina Pawluski October 3, 2016 - 11:46 pm

oh shocker- another boring color upload , the money I'm saving lol , i used to so look forward to tuesdays uploads now i forget they're even happening bc its been so long since I've ordered anything

Anonymous October 3, 2016 - 11:55 pm

This is it?? Very very concerned about the future of my favorite brand. I am the common joke amongst my friends, family and clients with how much I wear Lulu, but even I am at a record low for spending. ( which is actually a good thing) but would rather hold myself back and see great things here and a solid future than this. This genuinely concerns me as not only is the product " what the heck??!??" But with obscene prices to go with it. I have purchased 4 things this fall. The grevvy sculpt it tank on MD, the Ceremony pullover on MD, the city trek pointe trousers in indigo blue. And I just ordered a define Jacket in Dusty Mauve based on your feedback about a it's quality LLM, and the fact that it will probably be one of the only pieces we see in colour this winter. Hmmmm.

Anonymous October 4, 2016 - 12:12 am

Lulu sales girls were trying to push all this ugly crap on me today "oh that looks great, that jacket will be great in the rain, I think those tights look amazing on you" blah blah blah. The 4 items I tried on today look so bad and unflattering. I've been shopping on Ebay and getting below retail prices on some nice Lululemon ! things. Woohoo!!

Anonymous October 4, 2016 - 12:21 am

I noticed this when I was in store as well – it was egregious.

Anonymous October 4, 2016 - 12:17 am

There were Beach Blanket Blue Swiftlies (LS and tank), but oddly, they look like quite different colors. They were both supposed to be heathered, but the LS looked much lighter. Maybe I missed something. There was also a Grapefruit SS Swiftly.

I know two colors isn't much to be excited about, but we're so deprived that it's the only thing of note. Also, with all the killing off of classic styles, I'm beginning to think I should start hoarding Swiftlies since they're one of the only products I like that hasn't been retired or reworked beyond recognition.

Anonymous October 4, 2016 - 12:37 am

I love monotone but this is ridiculous, especially considering Oz is in spring.

Anonymous October 4, 2016 - 9:18 am

Here in Australia it's been a sea of black and grey for well over 5 months. I'm sooo over the dreary colours. Yes there is the occasional hideous bright colour(like the fluro orange in our latet upload) but we don't want this rubbish. Where's the emerald greens, blood red, marine navy? Lulu is breaking my heart. I feel their summer range will not improve. I've been buying from ebay recently which is expensive due to the exchange rate and over-inflated shipping costs to Australia. Oh, the Australia site was updated to the "improved" site last week and products have "accidentally" dropped off the site.


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