
by Cristina

Nothing for me tonight but that is mostly to do with Seawheeze coming this Friday and Saturday so I need to save my money. Besides that, nothing really caught my eye anyways. I’m curious to try on the CRB II for a proper fit review but I’m out of town anyways so I can just try one on when I’m in town again. Did you order anything tonight? 

Cool Racerback II



Swiftly Tech Racerback

Deep Indigo Define Jacket

Outrun 17″ Crop


Run Stuff Your Bra iii


Sculpt Tank


Race Pace Short


Essential Tank


Yin Time Long Sleeve


Wunder Under Pant III


Pace Rival Crop Marathon


Totes Light Jacket


Hotty Hot Skirt


Speed Short Mesh


Run All Day Backpack


Scuba Hoodie III


Breeze By Long Sleeve II


Fast As light Singlet


Fast As Light Short


Run Stuff Your Bra (long line)


Inspire Tight II (mesh)


Studio Pant III

Studio Crop II


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Anonymous August 9, 2016 - 11:36 pm

Good thing I forgot about the time and I didn't wait for the upload.

Unknown August 9, 2016 - 11:37 pm

can;t see it 🙁

Anonymous August 9, 2016 - 11:38 pm

That's ok, while they are fumbling around I placed an order with a different company that doesn't have any ridiculous issues!!!

janine57 August 9, 2016 - 11:46 pm

Does anyone know any crb dupes out there? Thanks!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:01 am

Splits59 Ashby tank! And it's only $45. Nordstrom also carries the Splits59 brand.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:07 am

There are some by 90 degrees on Amazon. It's a racer back and it's a dupe for sure. The fabric is fantastic and so is the color selection. I have a couple and will by more.

janine57 August 10, 2016 - 1:07 am

Thanks so much!!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:16 am

@Janine57, MEC (mountain equipment co-op) "Sequence Tank" (some are on sale right now, $18-$29); Karma Athletics "Pranayama Racerback ii" solid $40, printed $48 (they have a bit of ruching at the sides, at the bottom); NUX "Freedom T Back"; LOLE has the "Profile Tank" but it's not a racerback and has some extra seaming (however, it's on sale at $30), and the "Fancy Tank" (but it has a built-in, I believe. They normally specify "no support" when it doesn't, like the Profile Tank description).

Can you tell how much I abhor the CRBii that I've done some research?

I have seen some 90 Degrees tanks in Winners/Marshalls, almost a dead ringer for a CRB. Didn't buy one yet but would if I came across a colour I love like an awesome yellow, red, green.

anon August 10, 2016 - 3:22 am

Great list! Do you know which ones are at least as long as the CRB? That's why I keep buying lulu – it's the only one that is long enough for my torso.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 3:11 pm

Nike makes a bunch but the Nike Balance is less than $20 right now on the website. I've had mine for at least 5 years and it's still going strong. I use it mostly for training and it does not ride up.

4vrfit August 10, 2016 - 3:12 pm

@anonymous 6:16, thanks for the list of CRB alternatives! I instantly went online to my amazon prime account and order several of the 90 degrees tanks to give them a try! I hope they work out… (no pun intended) 😉

Anonymous August 12, 2016 - 5:34 pm

I love the Xersion tanks from Jcpenny. They're normally $20 but with sales and the coupons they always mail I've never paid more than $5 for one.

Anonymous August 9, 2016 - 11:48 pm

Wow I totally forgot about the upload. First time. I think it shows I am losing interest. I am ok with that.

Anonymous August 9, 2016 - 11:50 pm

I noticed they changed how sizes are displayed – no longer have to click to drop down sizes. Can now see at a glance what is and isn't available for the colour chosen.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:03 am

Yes, just noticed that! I kind of missed that, so I am glad. Now, if only they would change it so that we can see the colour name when we hover over it, like we used to be able to. I really miss that and find it annoying that I have to click on a colour dot just to see the colour name.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 2:28 pm

wow I'm glad and impressed that they made this change! now if they could only take action of the 10+ other changes I recommended to them…

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:02 am

I wonder if this is part of "dufflegate" 😉 Those Dottie Tribe duffle bags went back on WMTM for $24…waiting to see if it goes through.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:18 am

it shipped!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:18 am

Too funny "dufflegate" lol

Good for those that got one at $24!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 4:00 am

I thought I saw the Dottie tribe duffel for $89 this evening…maybe I missed the $24?? or maybe my eyes are failing.
I know last Thursday's WMTM the Dottie tribe duffel was listed at $24, but I missed it…oh well…lol..not meant to be for me..but good for all of you that got it at that price!:o)

It is good to see an occasional nice price (even if not intentional) amidst all the recent pricing hikes. The pricing hikes, quality changes , similar product output are helping me to be extremely choosy & selective….. I humbly admit that I should have been more selective/choosy way before the pricing changes. I have been too addicted but now I can move on.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:08 am

Anon 5:02pm LOL Dufflegate, good one. You would think whatever problems they had this morning would have been solved by now or maybe the poor guy responsible for "dufflegate" got the boot and they are scrambling to find someone else who can do the drop!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:12 am

I tried to order a pistachio crb this morning on WMTM & my order was cancelled an hour later. Not sure why.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:46 am

That happened with me for the CRB in Lullaby. I called about it and she said it happens from time to time when the warehouse doesn't update fast enough with the the website…so I missed that one but did get a few on MD…

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 4:48 am

Happened to me this morning as well. In the old days I would have been so frustrated but today I said, 'Awesome, lulu! Thanks for saving my money for me!' I meant it too.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 11:37 am

Same here! Normally I would have called GEC right away to see what was up, but today I was just like, meh.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:06 am

Really disappointed Canada didn't get the DSP in Greyvy but I would really love Street To Studios in this colour. Getting a closer look at the Essential Tank there looks to be too much fabric in back. As happy as I am they made a tank without holes in the back this one might not work but will look for it in store. I am surprised to see another lightweight sheer jacket especially in August. There hasn't been one lightweight lined technical jacket this summer. The last one we got in Canada was the Gather Me Slightly in the Spring.

Lindsay Harris August 10, 2016 - 1:13 am

Total snooze fest. The increased prices are so off putting as well. Where is the innovation? The same styles and colors keep coming out. Bordeaux drama?? Again? Where are the tuck and flows from Australia????? I'm waiting for those.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:20 am

I got the true red CRB II. Really like the fit of them.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:42 am

Same here. Surprisingly, I think I prefer them!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:58 am

me three!!! I prefer CRB II and am so happy to see more colors! yay!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:21 am

I ordered the sweater. I am a huge sucker for their boolux sweaters.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:34 am

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo over mesh

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:40 am

Me too!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:39 am

I ordered the True Red CRB II and the True Red Fly Away Tamer II Headband.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:44 am

Anyone know what yin time is made of? Boolux?

janine57 August 10, 2016 - 1:48 am

So weird that items don't show up on what's new which I noticed from last week. I'm interested in the red sculpt but I might wait and get the new ctb in red. Nothing so far.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:57 am

got the true red, white, black CRB II and the new 17" run crop in blue.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 1:58 am

I would have ordered the new Deep Indigo Define (in addition to my True Red CRB II and headband) if they didnt raise the price (now around $150 after taxes where I am). When they raised it up to $118 last year around this time I thought that was ridiculous and was just a tad more selective in my choices… but now I am for sure going to be a lot more selective and not just purchase any new colour I like. Will wait for colours I absolutely love and cannot live without at this price. …or WMTM…

Samantha Brown August 10, 2016 - 2:21 am

Got the deep navy mesh speeds. I've been waiting for solid navy speeds for a while, and these will def work. Nothing else as I shouldn't be spending any $ anyway.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 2:30 am

The only thing I liked enough to click on was the Run around tee. ( not shown above) then I looked at the price. $ 74 ?????!!! So a little tee made of seriously light luon??? They must be smoking something special. Nothing for me tonight. Not interested the last couple weeks of anything new. I think I am still stinging over the price hikes (particularly swiftly's) and the CRB fiasco. Did score a pair of street to studios in Rosewood today on MD. Noticed lots more stuff loaded today…

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 2:42 am

I'm obsessed with the long line RSYB (because hello cute crop top with pockets) but I told myself two weeks ago "no more sports bras". And unfortunately told my boyfriend to remind me if I tried to buy any more!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 2:44 am

Preview of wrap in the wonder under pant photo? Hope so!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 4:01 am

True red race pace shorts and energy bra. Love that color.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:33 pm

Not liking anything in this drop that makes me want to open my wallet. Some of the new colours are wonderful but I don't like the product.

As a Canadian I am so not impressed with Lululemon in regard to the pricing. The Fast As Light Singlet pushing $70. for a plain front and hole in the back tank is crazy and the Essential Tank although it has more fabric is lacking in design for the price. The two new shorts with tiny inseams and no design elements other than new hems are now pushing $70. How about 17" inseam crops that are 1/3 mesh for $108. plus tax? Yes the colours are nice but not enough to tempt me to buy. An honourable mention for crazy pricing goes to the Run Around Tee pushing $80. for a PLAIN, yes I said PLAIN s/s light luon top in two non-colours we have seen a thousand times, grey and black. Then to top it all off we Canadians get less product on WMTM, the product we get has less colour options and yes we pay more for it.

On the positive side, I do like the Greyvy DSP, Oh Canada didn't get those!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 12:52 pm

Well said anon 5:33 am!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 2:49 pm

agree with you anon 5:33am! they need a wake up call. we sure had ours with these recent price increases.

stylistadiva1 August 10, 2016 - 4:50 pm

My thoughts exactly Anon 5:33am! I liked the same items: Fast as Light Singlet and shorts (that mention 3 storage pockets but they only show one that might fit a key) but couldn't bring myself to spend over $60 for either. Same with the Run around Tee. $74. For a t-shirt. I like the items, but not the prices. 🙁 I have to LOVE it in order to bite at these prices.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 5:28 pm

Just received my True Red Pace Rivals. The color is more of a pink-orange red than a true red. I think the last true red from Lululemon was Currant — that was a gorgeous TRUE red…

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 7:58 pm

AGREED! Dumb name as it's not even.

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 10:52 pm

Aww, that's lame. I was thinking about getting the red Race Pace shorts but I don't want a pink-orange red. x.x

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 11:21 pm

It's not an extreme pink-orange, so depending on the particular fabric content, might still be worth a try. (I'm anon 10:28)

Lulumum August 10, 2016 - 5:33 pm

I agree. I think Currant has been the only true blue based red.

Anonymous August 11, 2016 - 5:14 am

Hi Anon 10:28 and 4:21 😛 this is anon 3:52. Thanks! I will check it out still. Still very useful to know!

Anonymous August 10, 2016 - 11:43 pm

I ordered two pairs of clearance pants from Athleta. $45 each and regular return policy if I don't like them. I'm going shopping there sometime in the next week for their new fall items. Also going to order from Werkshop and hit up the Sweaty Betty store next time I'm in nyc. Except for hotty hot shorts and maybe a winter run pullover if it hits wmtm, I'm pretty much done with lulu (still doing resale sites for discontinued faves though).


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