Cristina founded The Sweat Edit community in 2010, from her home in Vancouver, BC. She loves working out when she’s not at work managing the website. Her favourite workouts include olympic weightlifting, crossfit, running, and spinning on her Peloton. Favourite Peloton Workouts: Power Zone Training with Denis Morton or Matt Wilpers. Read about The Sweat Edit for more.
I dont get it. all i see is them targetting fit crossfit people. I"m a fit runner and wouldnt wear any of this stuff to my 3x a week runnnin group (and im 29 years old, so i think i'm still part of their target, no?)
@Anon 11:59- I am a crossfitter, and there's no way I'd wear any of this either. In fact, 2 years ago at my gym, female members were almost exclusively clad in Lululemon. I looked around the other day and realized now it's more like 25%. INSANE. So- I'm not sure who they are targeting exactly….and how they are supposedly growing.
About the same percentage at my gym, but I see lots of ppl wearing lulu casually, not for working out
25% is about right for my gym too.
I discovered Lululemon when I first stared getting into pilates and then soon after that, yoga as well, now I just practice yoga. There used to be so much stuff that I loved and that managed to be cute fun and feminine while being totally functional… now, not so much… it's sad… the stuff these days just isn't functional. It seems to be more for 'fashion' and 'trends' , which I do not care about at all to be honest, and to top it all off it is no longer fun and cute but more like cheap and trashy.
By the way, just wanted to note that the emperor blue crops in the second grouping of photos above (without the red longline bra) are the "fast as light crop." Though must say that they look VERY similar…
Hey Lulumum…are you going to do a Seawheeze recap? Pretty please…?
Absolutely. Sorry it's taking so long. I have the photos uploaded to a post I just need to sit and write once the kids are in bed.
That top is fugly. I did get the black out run crops. The mesh wasn't so bad. Is prefer circle mesh behind the knees but I wanted high rise with thigh pockets. I still wants thing in hero blue. Are the flow n go as horrible as the reviews say? I have many pairs of the old in the flows and have never had a problem. They are my most worn pants and some are at least 3 years old.