Please excuse the really bad formatting. I’m posting this on my phone while on the go. I’ll repost this properly when k get home this afternoon but I wanted to show you these now. This is some of the Seawheeze Showcase Store merchandise that will be sold.
Omg that duffle bag!
Although It's hard to see anything on the colored background my initial impression is neah. More for you guys!
Welp, at least no FOMO here…
I'm undecided. I told myself after last year and how much more ridiculous the line got that I wouldn't get in line again this year but…. there are definitely some things catching my eye. I just hate that people feel like they need to wait in line over night, it's insane and especially the day before running a half. I love lulu and definitely get caught up in the FOMO of SW but I just don't know how early to get in line.
yes. the duffle bag is awesome!
I like the colors, unsure about the patterns so will need to see in person. I will not wait in line again this year. Last year it was 4hrs and non-runners were let in before many runners including myself (and yes I got in during the supposed runners-only time slot). Maybe there will be some product left to get a souvenir once the line dissipates.
Has anyone here tried the metallic lumatrix HT's that were uploaded yesterday? I feel like they fit VERY tight but they seem to be mostly opaque.
I think if I was attending sea wheeze I would skip the run and stand out front of their flagship store and protest the many horrible decisions they have been making.
If anyone is planning on visiting the lab in Vancouver they just recently moved from their Broadway location to Gastown.
Are seawheeze items only available in person?