Store Report: Palm Lace Tofino Teal

by Cristina

Quick peak at the new items in store today. Lots of Palm Lace Tofino Teal in swim items!

I forgot to capture the name of this UPF Swim top but it’s Palm Lace Tofino Teal 

Palm Lace Tofino Teal Swim Shorts. 

I may be interested in these if the go to a 12 online. In store the size run only went 4-10 and I definitely like to size up in these. 

Tidal Flow Net Top
Also came in bikini bottoms. 

Energy Bra

This was tempting for me. I haven’t purchased a Lululemon sports bra since I got my Lorna Jane bras many months ago but this print tempts me. 

High Times Pant Palm Lace

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Karina May 16, 2016 - 8:54 pm

Do you know if the high times were full-on Luon? ❤️❤️If so omg

Anonymous May 16, 2016 - 8:58 pm

ekkkk. that print is UGGGGGLY! Straight to WMTM.

Anonymous May 16, 2016 - 9:02 pm

yup not a fan…

Andreea Badea May 16, 2016 - 9:27 pm

Awe man, looks like I'm not going to get my pretty lace energy bra or run times, huge crapton of a new print already. Boo! 🙁

Anonymous May 16, 2016 - 9:57 pm

Target print swimwear anyone??

Lululover May 16, 2016 - 9:59 pm

Not digging this

Anonymous May 16, 2016 - 10:27 pm

I swear they have this pattern at Forever 21.

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 12:49 am

I ran a race yesterday in which a woman was wearing a pair of crops (Nike, I think) & the pattern looked identical to this year's Seawheeze shorts!

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 4:11 am

Off topic, but I was hoping you could give me some advice. I'm looking for a long sleeve half zip (or similar) for running in the evenings. Lulu doesn't seem to have any on the website right now, but do you know any good ones I could hunt for? Thank you so much!

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 5:33 am

Oiselle!!! Their fabric is to die for. Some tops are very similar to rulu, others have wool blends, and some are seamless. I really love them.

Lulumum May 17, 2016 - 4:17 am

Are you in the US? the only brand I've really felt enticed by other than Lululemon has been Lorna Jane. They upped the price for shipping to Canada significantly though so it's now out of my price range but if they open up a store here Lululemon is in trouble. I also like Alo Yoga for tops and am interested in branching out into Ivy Park or Adidas Original.

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 1:06 pm

I am in the US. I will look into those styles! Thank you!!! Are there any old lululemon styles you think are particularly nice? I might look on ebay or similar to see if I can find something there as well.

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 3:15 pm

@Anon, some of my favourite older Lulu half zips are the Full Tilt, the Star Runner and the U Turn . The U Turn is quite short though, so that might be a consideration. (I'm only 5'2", so it's perfect over a crb.) I find all of these styles to be extremely flattering, especially the Star Runner.

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 4:03 pm

Thank you @anon 8:15! I will look into those 🙂

janine57 May 17, 2016 - 8:05 pm

Lulumum I'd love to see a post about Lofna Jane bras. Their stuff is so expensive, in my book, and with no reviews I haven't pulled the trigger plus I need support. I'm not real crazy about the print but I kinda like the ls top and woven swim top. I do like brown and light blue together.

Roxxielove21 May 17, 2016 - 3:08 pm

I really like the define zip! They had several in store on sale in black at the Tulsa store last week. Not sure sizes. I think they also had white. Sizing same as the define jacket

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 4:16 pm

Actually, I like the Palm Lace print, particularly in small doses such as a bra…

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 6:16 pm

I agree. I love love palm-type of prints, and this looks a little vintage. A bra peeking out of a muscle tank or something less is more approach would be better with this palm print. 🙂

Anonymous May 17, 2016 - 6:58 pm

*thumbs up* totally agree


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