Lululemon posted a snapchat sneak peek video of the 2016 Seawheeze Shorts today but if you are like me and are wilfully avoiding snapchat, here are some closeups and stills of the print.
The pattern theme is fingerprints which goes well with the spy/secret agent theme. The print on the left is for the women’s shorts and the right side is for men’s. I’m liking the teals and purples within the print and I think I’ll like the shorts themselves despite the fact that the images are underwhelming.
Very nice, but what is she wearing underneath? a onesie???
I like the color scheme and the print! I'm excited to see them in person.
Looks like a guy.
Snapchat is super awesome for live events, you should check into it. That said, their video was rather creepy and weird. The shorts looked AWESOME though!
These are really cute. I wish last years shorts had been half as nice looking. I didn't make the registration this year 🙁
The print for the women kind of looks like the navy Wanderlust print from this past year. The one that looks like a close up of butterfly wings. I'm curious to see what they will look like once people get them!
Thanks for posting this. Nice to hear others avoid Snapchat. Just because it is there does not mean you should sign up. People are becoming more and more zombie-like with this type of stuff.
I completely agree! I've never been a fan of social media – I don't even have facebook! I love reading and sharing comments on Lulumum's and LuluAddicts blogs though..
I think snap is great. It's way easier than taking a picture then texting it to someone. I use it all the time when I need to quickly show somebody something or quickly send a series of pictures. It's very convenient and it's a lot of fun and as someone who hated facebook, I like learning what my friends are doing through visuals. It's nice to see them having fun, and sometimes it inspires me to do certain things (clean my house, get dressed up, make a new food/drink, etc). I don't bother with following companies or brands, but I do follow my close friends and my 2 favourite youtubers!