Sneak Peek: What We Love

by Cristina

Woo Hoo! The Scuba III in Fuel Green will be mine! I’ve been so blah about Lululemon items lately (since most of the things I’ve coveted Canada hasn’t gotten) and I’ve done so, so many returns lately that I expected the next upload to be a bust. But alas, a Heathered Fuel Green Scuba and even a pretty Raspberry Cool Racerback. I really like the Cashmere Bliss Pullover that the US is getting, and if Canada was getting it I’d be interested in it depending on price. If it’s a reasonable price I’d love to get one but I suspect it will be absurdly priced at $198 or higher and for the 100% Cashmere itch I’d rather buy at Hudson’s Bay a quality Lord & Taylor cashmere for $89 or a Carson one from Nordstrom for the same price. Those are brands you know are quality Cashmere and have modern feminine fits these days. 

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Anonymous December 18, 2015 - 9:28 pm

This post is a rant… I've been waiting and hoping for the Fuel Green scuba to give my daughter for Christmas but of course it's only going to show up in Canada. I am so f'ing sick of LLL and their games!! Seriously, I am not wasting anymore time waiting for this company to pull their head of their a$$! I used to spend at least $500/mo on their clothing, but no more… they never have anything I want anyway.

Anonymous December 18, 2015 - 11:53 pm

I doubt lululemon is playing games. This is incompetence, plain and simple. Anyway, it's just clothing.

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 12:10 am

Yeah probably just stop spending your money there…bam problem solved!

Michelle Lu December 19, 2015 - 1:45 am

I know it's a first world problem but I've been wanting this Scuba for soooo long too! I totally get your frustration and if the situation were reversed (release in US only, I'm in canada), I'd be plenty pissed too.

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 9:00 am

It will probably come to the US soon. Have you thought about giving your daughter an IOU photo of the jacket or something to let her know it's coming eventually? Or have someone in CA angel it to you. The difference in currency probably makes it okay to do.

Anonymous December 18, 2015 - 10:41 pm

Angry much? ^

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 12:04 am

I mean this in a nice way but it's just a green sweatshirt! Something pretty that should make you happy and not cause stress. It's a want not a need. Find something else to make you smile!!

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 1:36 am

It's a Xmas gift!

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 2:47 am

I believe you may have missed the point of Christmas

Anonymous December 20, 2015 - 12:57 am

Says a person posting on a brand blog. And if you buy Christmas gifts at all, you've "missed the point," but sure, let's engage in a stupid race-to-the-bottom of who's the morally superior consumer.

lulumum December 19, 2015 - 12:22 am

I get your points but let's try not to be dismissive. perspective is knowing this is a brand blog.

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 1:38 am

Thank you! It's super frustrating to find that perfect gift for your child and not be able to get it!!

Lulumum December 19, 2015 - 1:57 am

Yah no problem. Look, I get the 'First World Problem' argument but to my mind, it's all about context. If you were in a hospital visiting a sick relative griping about missing out on a shopping item I get raised eyebrows. If you are complaining about paying an absurd percentage in taxes on your millions to your staff making minimum wage, that is annoying and jerky in that context. But we are all hanging out here on a brand based/fashion/shopping blog. The conversation is within the context of this blog. That includes complaining when things don't go our way, it includes overly excited hype and its a free place to enjoy the lighter things in life which we all have a right to do no matter what our life circumstances are at the moment. This is an escape and it is nothing more serious than that. I see that there is a bit of background to the #FWP type comments being left here lately and my opinion on that is if you are running a blog about any brand, many brands or this brands you are not above any other blogger doing the same thing. Lets have conversations with the automatic assumption that we are all intelligent women who have room in our heads and our hearts for things beyond shopping and things beyond this brand.

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 1:05 pm

So well stated lulumum!!!

Lululover December 19, 2015 - 12:29 am

I'm liking Tiger space dye top, but I don't care about the neck. Boat neck would have looked prettier. I'm also potentially interested in Mini pixie print if it comes in HT or WUC.

stylistadiva1 December 19, 2015 - 1:47 am

I like the 5 mile top. Hope it comes in other colors too. Was hoping Canada would get that heathered Caspian blue Runderful LS that the US got last week or so. I saw the Bordeaux 1/2 zip one in store that they have online, but not online for Canada. I also want the Take it Easy T, but haven't seen it hit Canada yet. There seems to be greater and greater discrepancy between what Canada and US get which is super annoying.

Skendall December 19, 2015 - 5:52 am

Is it just me or were there a lot more vinyasa scarves offered last year? I'm kicking myself for not buying the aikido stripe one that came out a while ago. I can't get on board with the zipper thing, that just looks uncomfortable and not as practical or versatile as snaps. I also can't get on board with the new $58 price tag. I thought $48 was steep for a scarf, let alone a fleece one.

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 2:21 pm

I was just thinking to myself yesterday that I felt like the vinyasa offerings this year have been slim. I was hoping to find a pretty one to match my new winter coat, but there hasn't been much to choose from nor do I care for the new zipper design.

Anonymous December 19, 2015 - 4:27 pm

while i agree that this is a brand oriented blog and that a certain amount of "ranting" aka discussion is going to happen, i also feel like lululemon is just that – a brand. there are tons of other brands out there and if people are unhappy about how lulu is running their business – they have the power to spend their hard earned $$ somewhere else. what better way to make lulu aware that their consumers are dissatisfied than by declining sales figures.

i feel like getting all bent out of shape over clothing is pointless, and by doing so, you give the brand power over YOU.

just food for thought. 😉

Anonymous December 20, 2015 - 2:16 am

I don't mind all the Lulu f-ups lately. Honestly, since so many items are coming out at inappropriate times and after the hype has settled, they end up on WMTM and I still get them but at a sweet dealio instead! Yeah, I might not have my hands on it ASAP, but I'm still sporting my Lulu from the 2000s and getting compliments. My hair will not set on fire if I don't get a piece immediately, but Ill still look great during spring and the next cold seasons in my markdowns. This year has taught me to be patient. After getting ripped sooo badly after the holidays each year during markdown time and with Pigment Wave this spring, I'm waiting. I may not get all my wants, but it makes it more affordable when some options have already shipped sail. I only buy now if my heart genuinely flutters – I'm talking to you, Berry Rumble Rest Less PO that will eventually hit the US and would most likely sell out. 🙂

Juliana Sandberg December 21, 2015 - 1:50 am

Im totally with you on this one! Wmtm has been better this year!
In addition they actually exchanged something that was final sale as an exception so my hopes is that eventually they will get a bit more flexible…

Anonymous December 21, 2015 - 3:42 pm

Where is the soft Rulu from past years? I'm also missing the lace (NOT mesh) and ruffle details that once adored Lululemon tops. I've barely spent anything at Lululemon this winter which I suppose is good since it saves money – but it also makes me sad that their product has changed so much. I can only presume that this quality change is to keep profit margins high for shareholders, but at what point does it start to negatively impact the company. The stores in my local area are packed right now with product that perhaps will clear out as we get closer to Christmas and after Christmas sales.


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