
by Cristina

Well that was a disappointing upload for both US and Canada but especially disappointing to Canada since we didn’t get the Stress Less Hoodie. That was pretty much the only item I had been waiting on other than miscellaneous Sapphire Blue items like Cool Racerbacks. I’m mildly tempted by the Bordeaux Drama Reflective Pace Rivals and the Sapphire Twist Pace Rivals but I’m not in need of run crops.

Did you order anything today? 

Stress Less Pullover (US)

Scuba Hoodie II (US)

High Rise Wunder Under Pants (US)

Find Your Mantra Henley (US)

1x A Lady Jacket (CAN)

Circadian SS Tee (CAN)

If You’re Lucky LS (CAN)

Drop It Like It’s Hot Tight (CAN)

Jet Crop Slim (CAN)

Pace Rival Crops Space Dye Twist

Laser Cut Wunder Under Crops

Laser Dot Define Jacket

Bhakti Yogi Jacket

Define Jacket (US)

Go For It Dress (US)

Speed Tight (US)

Pace Rival Reflective (US and Canada)

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Cwags September 8, 2015 - 10:23 pm

Awe I really wanted the stress less!! Maybe next week for Canada?

Lulumum September 9, 2015 - 3:27 am

I know! maybe we will be lucky and get more color options.

Lululover September 8, 2015 - 10:24 pm

I got Define in gator green cyber stripe, Inspires in Ultraviolet, and WUC in Saphire. I wasn't planning on ordering anything after my splurge in Canada, but couldn't say no to beautiful colors

Lulumum September 9, 2015 - 3:27 am

You will love the sapphire WUC's.

Lindsay Harris September 8, 2015 - 10:30 pm

$108 for a Henley shirt??? What? I would have bought it at $78. But $108????

Michelle Lu September 8, 2015 - 10:41 pm

Same here. Would've bitten at $78 or maybe even $88 but $108 is outrageous to me.

Anonymous September 8, 2015 - 11:01 pm

I'll admit that I ordered two colors to try (the bordeaux drama and the heathered gray) because I desperately need to replace some extremely well-loved basics and these look like these are long enough to work with leggings on their own, but the price tag is pretty offensive. If the quality is bad I won't even try them on and they will be going right back. These should be $78 as you said, with some of the other more basic long sleeves in the $50-60 range rather than the ~$78 they are now. These prices are getting crazy.

Anonymous September 8, 2015 - 11:07 pm

but the henley is boolux, i think that is why it's so expensive. It's a sweater. I kind of love it, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. If i return my align pants tomorrow then maybe…

Sophie September 8, 2015 - 11:14 pm

What size did you get in the henley? It says slim fit but looks a bit loose on the models. I have a couple of boolux tanks that I sized down on, but then those did say loose fit.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 12:06 am

"One snap, two snap, $108, you snap."

3crazykids September 8, 2015 - 10:37 pm

Got the Stress Less in Bordeaux as a kind of a buy-now-think-later purchase. Looks cute and hopefully is tts.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 12:57 am

I bought the Stress Less in store yesterday. I wear an 8 CRB but often size up to a 10 in anything with sleeves. I went home with the 8 as I preferred the more fitted look AND the shoulders/arms were NOT too tight! ,,,in case that helps anyone.

3crazykids September 9, 2015 - 1:18 am

Thank you for commenting. That puts me at ease that I got my normal size instead of my usual sizing up!

stylistadiva1 September 8, 2015 - 10:47 pm

Wow, looks like another shaft week for Canada. I'm loving that Stress Less color in these pics – will pick it up if it hits Canadian stores this week (or online next…). I wore mine a lot last winter.

Anonymous September 8, 2015 - 11:03 pm

Got the ludicrously priced henley to try because I hate myself today, as well as the pique Bhakti.

Anonymous September 8, 2015 - 11:15 pm

Has LLL released a define in herringbone like this one before?

Kendall McCarthy September 8, 2015 - 11:54 pm

Not one like this exactly — a similar one with the only difference being that the lululemon upside-down "U" shape on the jacket was a solid contrasting black. You can see it here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zVtaRLIs4xo/VInaHvGdvUI/AAAAAAABvgQ/CZvQf5IGLzg/s1600/lululemon%2Bherringbone%2Bdefine%2Bjacket.jpg

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 1:00 am

The "upside down 'U' shape" is a stylized omega. I only point that out because I used the same "upside down U" description with GEC one time and I was bluntly corrected. :- P

Lulumum September 9, 2015 - 3:29 am

yes last year was 'giant' herringbone and this year is regular herringbone without a contrasting logo.

Sophie September 8, 2015 - 11:22 pm

I kind of wish the Gator Green Speed Tight IVs didn't have the mesh on the back. I was waiting for these and the cranberry ones (which we still didn't get), and I'm pretty sure those were solid in the back.

As for the US upload, I'm tempted by too many jackets (pique Bhakti, gator cyber stripe and herringbone defines). May have to get them all and return my least favorites. I do like that terribly expensive henley too. And we got the short sleeve circadian but not the long sleeve? These uploads can be so irritating sometimes.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 12:09 am

Same. I was ready to buy the Speeds and then noticed the mesh.

Sophie September 9, 2015 - 12:17 am

I just looked at the Hong Kong site because they have lots of Speed IVs and it looks like the cranberry ones might be mesh too (hard to tell from the photos – surprise, surprise), but the prints are solid. What a bummer. Now I don't know what to do! http://www.lululemon.com.hk/products/clothes-accessories/womens-pants-hugged/Speed-Tight-IV?cc=20856&skuId=hk_3634001&catId=hkpantshugged

kmick September 8, 2015 - 11:52 pm

oh my god, can we PLEASE just get some simple front and back photos? like with the models standing up straight with their arms at the sides instead of one hand grabbing the other elbow (my personal least favorite, it obscures the view of the waist), or hair in the way, or hunched looking down at I don't know what?

Kendall McCarthy September 8, 2015 - 11:55 pm

This x100.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 12:11 am

Yep. Almost bought the gator green Speed tights and then noticed the mesh at the last minute because it's really only visible in one picture. The back shot for that particular pair is cut off above the knee/mid–thigh…why?

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 1:57 am

Least favorite pose that the idiot with the long light colored hair does all the time: hold her head with both hands like she has a headache. I'm the one with the f'ing headache from having to look at these stupid pictures!

Lulumum September 9, 2015 - 3:30 am

I know. It is horrible for blogging too because it usually means I end up posting 2-3 photos vs. just one and still you don't get a good idea of the product.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 12:10 am

I bought the ridiculoulsy expensive henley in Bordeaux because I need some long-sleeve fall pieces. I hope it doesn't fit and I return it in disgust.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 12:15 am

Can they no longer line up stripes on pants?! I want those pace rivals but I cannot stand the misaligned stripes. Sigh.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 12:35 am

I really like the look of the Scuba II in the second photo, the white/navy blue one! Hopefully it will be coming to Canada soon.

Beth September 9, 2015 - 1:09 am

I really want to get the Henley but the price! *whimpers*. I love the pinker one so I may just bite as I don't have any lulu henleys. I understand it's a better quality fabric and all that jazz but that doesn't stop my wallet from crying at the price!

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 1:21 am

I noticed that Canada got the Go for it dress. I would have picked this up in June or July as it looks like a great little summer dress. Too bad its not summer. Glad it was a disappointing upload. Gives my budget a rest. Really hoping that the Sunset Salutation Marino wool top/sweater comes to Canada. So far it has only shown up on the HK website….

Deb September 9, 2015 - 1:41 am

Not a thing. What a lacklustre upload. I'm feeling much less guilty about having bought three pair of textured HT/WU in August. It may be all I buy this fall. I'm not a fan of the new pants/crops or pricing. I'm ok with paying $98 for textured leggings since I was already, but I'm perfectly happy with last winter's Speeds and Inspire Tights.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 2:27 am

I ordered the sapphire WUC. I couldn't decide between the Bordeaux or naval blue stress less but ended up ordering the blue.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 3:16 am

I'm thinking of ordering the high rise sapphire WUC too! Have you noticed that it shows sweat? The reviews on the new high rise WUC are not good – people reporting that even black shows sweat. How's the sheerness of them?

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 3:29 am

Thanks for info! I am nuts over sapphire and can't wait for the sapphire scuba III. That will be the color to get me to give that version a try. I just hope it's not too faded looking since its heathered….hard to tell in pics. Did you end up keeping yours?

Had not heard that about sweat marks. Hopefully it's not too bad. I do love this color and the higher rise in a crop.

Lulumum September 9, 2015 - 2:48 am

You will love them. I ordered those last week and I'm in absolute lust with them.

Lulumum September 9, 2015 - 3:32 am

I haven't worked out in them yet but hopefully I can give them a try for a sweaty workout tomorrow morning. I'll let you know. I hadn't even considered the sweat issue.

I did end up keeping my Scuba III in Sapphire. Its slightly muted yes, since it is heathered, but it is not faded looking if that makes sense. It's vibrant but in a different tone from luon.

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 1:24 pm

Has anyone seen the sapphire scuba in the U.S. Yet? If wel like I've been waiting weeks.
On the plus side, I saw in my lulu app that are making a "search store invetory" update. I cannot wait for that!

Anonymous September 9, 2015 - 3:03 am

Another disappointing upload for Canada. Could we please get some slim jet crops in normal fall colors? Why does Canada keep getting weird prints? I'm not into polka dots or snake prints on my casual pants. Where is the gator green or blue denim?

lulu September 9, 2015 - 3:39 am

I bought the new Scuba II In the Washi Weave in my local Lulu over the week-end. I do like the new Pace Rivals in the Purple twist color but those didn't hit the US..Is anyone as confused as I am on the random pricing of certain pieces..Like the Pace Rivals going down to $88 but the inspire crops in similar patterns are $96.

purrfiktangil September 8, 2015 - 11:11 pm

Was totally prepared to want/need nothing after last week and my Tight Stuff Tight failure with the weird back-of-the-knee pinching, but then there were those Bordeaux Drama Pace Rivals with the reflective diamonds and I am a sucker for reflective running crops (since I like to get out for my runs when it is first barely light in the AM) and Bordeaux Drama…Now, they are full on luxtreme, which I really don't like, so perhaps that will be a deal breaker once they arrive.

Lulumum September 9, 2015 - 3:28 am

Those pace rivals are gorgeous!

Sarah Mirray November 9, 2015 - 7:49 pm

The website says just "luxtreme" but this is the seond time I've seen someone reference fullux. I ordered them but can't stand the fullux fabric. I am hoping the website is accurate and they are indeed just "luxtreme". Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Anonymous September 8, 2016 - 8:34 pm

Please bring back the laser cut wunder under in bordeaux! Unable to purshased them last year since they sold out in my size.


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