Upload is up!!

by Cristina

Wow! Thanks to an awesome reader who tipped me off that the upload was up early! Thank you!! My upload email alert went out to subscribers at 12:44pm PST.

The US upload seems pretty bare. I wonder if because the upload was so early if there may be more coming later throughout the day. I’ll keep checking.

That was a bit of a circus upload for me. I’m on day 1 of Whole 30 and feeling quite agitated and flustered without my regular coffee routine and a massive carb/sugar withdrawal headache so when the upload suddenly popped up while I was trying to cook lunch for my kids and get myself a paleo lunch after rushing to the store to try on the new NULU pants and throwing together a fit review post…. I had a moment. I wont say I cried but I almost did. Thank you lululemon for making me #choosefeeling. Anyways, I got the email alert up first, did my thing, then came back to the upload to post about it. 

I ordered the Wunder Under Crop High Rise in a size down (as motivation to keep up with W30) in the Sapphire Blue which I’m still swooning over. I then decided to try out the All The Right Places Crops in Cranberry since I didn’t see those in store. They fit the bill of being a great solid color with no contrast waistband and if they are totally opaque I may just keep them. I’m back at my 6am Crossfit routine so I need all the motivation I can get.

I was tempted by the Mini Camp ‘Lumberjack’ Scuba, the Heathered Ultra Violet High Times Pant, The Sweaty Or Not Kit (why am I tempted by it?) and the Herringbone Vinyasa. 

Scuba Hoodie III (CAN/US)
I adore this color in the Scuba Hoodie III. It’s not super saturated but it’s gorgeous anyways. Check out my color comparison post Sapphire Blue to Pigment.

Regal Plum for the US

Scuba Hoodie II (CAN)

Define Jacket (CAN)

You will have to cherry pick for the lines to lineup in the front

Wunder Under Crop High Rise 

I got these!! I love em’!

Ebb To Street Pant (US)

High Times Pant (CAN/US)

Vinyasa Scarf Herringbone (CAN)

Tight Stuff Reflective (CAN/US)

All The Right Places Pant (CAN/US)

All The Right Places Crop (CAN/US)

I’m tempted by these since they are all solid Cranberry. Ok I ordered them. 

US got Bordeaux

Zone In Crop (CAN/US)

Stay TTS in these!

Align Pant (CAN/US)

Sweaty Or Not Kit

Definitely Raining Jacket (CAN)

Power Y (CAN)

US got this gorgeous Power Y

Cool Racerbacks (CAN)

OM On Hoodie (CAN/US)

Bhakti Yogi Jacket (CAN/US)

Ta Ta Tamer III US

Twist Bra Long Line (CAN)

Free To Be Wild Bra (CAN)

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Sophie September 1, 2015 - 8:03 pm

Man. US upload is missing most of the stuff I wanted – no circadian SS or LS, no herringbone daily practice jacket, no regal plum space dye twist define jacket, no bordeaux drama CRB, no sapphire blue Go the Distance Jacket, no Kanto Catch Me Run jacket , no cranberry speed tights, no sapphire Scuba, no sapphire zone in tights/crops. What a letdown!! Though I guess I shouldn't complain – saves me money.

Sophie September 1, 2015 - 9:12 pm

I wonder if they're going to do another stealth upload of a handful of items on Thursday like they did last week. I noticed the secret uploads from last week are now listed under "New" this week.

lululover83 September 2, 2015 - 12:58 am

I ordered circadian ss from a store in Murray UT today. They had cranberry if you are looking for it. Anyone spotted the mink striped run times in US stores yet?

Lulumum September 1, 2015 - 8:33 pm

I wonder if more will be added since the upload was so early.

Lauren Polt September 1, 2015 - 8:17 pm

Based on all the international uploads, I thought I was going to dump a fortune today. But I got absolutely nothing! So sad the U.S. Got nothing I wanted! Hopefully all the stuff will show up soon!

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 8:30 pm

Me too! I was expecting to purchase at least a couple pants and tops each – but nothing.

Lulumum September 1, 2015 - 8:34 pm

I know, I was wanting that coast camo wunder under. Although I only want them if that print comes in high rise.

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 8:26 pm

I think it's so crazy how much they increased the prices of the crops/pants! I really want to try the tight stuff crops, but I was expecting them to be $88 where did the extra $30 come from! Weren't wunder under crops just $72? Now they're $88.. insane!

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 9:02 pm

These prices are embarrassing. $150 for reflective tights? Crops for $120? There are lots of things I also want to try, but I'm not willing to have all this money tied up in LLL every week while I decide what I want and then wait on them to process returns. Some of the prices for what are essentially basics are also a total turnoff.

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 9:08 pm

I ordered the new define jacket, (two of them) I called my store and not a single one they had lined up. (This is my last effort) I really don't know how they expect people to pay $118 for a badly made jacket. It looks like a manufactor's defect when it is not done properly. If one of the ones I ordered is like the website, I will keep it for sure. I also ordered the HT's in utra violet and the Camp Scuba to try.

On a side note I nearly swooned when I saw the prices on the new pants. That will ensure I never buy them. I am not a professional athlete and therefore do not need to pay those prices for running & yoga pants. Crazy!!!!

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 10:03 pm

The misaligned stripes drive me NUTS. I wanted the sapphire space dye twist pants so badly – any of them. WUP, WUC, high rise WUC and not a single pair I saw had stripes lined up front and back. I wrote a review on Lulu about it and it never got posted. I absolutely refuse to spend my money on shoddy workmanship. And what also drives me up the wall is that all the pictures on the website show aligned stripes. So what gives? You pick the one pair that has perfectly lined up stripes yet the rest made in production don't?? So stupid.

Anonymous September 2, 2015 - 2:45 am

anon@3:03 from anon@2:08
I picked up a pair of the Saphire space dye WUP at the Masonville London, On store and they had pairs of both WUP & WUC that lined up in both size 6 and 8. (I didn't check the other sizes) You might want to give them a call if you are in Canada. The service at that store is amazing and they will check for you and ship…..Completely hear your pain though! I never did find a pair of silver fox cyber strips that lined up…

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 9:15 pm

What is the fabric like on the new space dye twist Define? Is it thin and slippery like the Heathered Magenta was? I found that one too thin for the price, and kind of regret having kept it. I wish they all felt thick like the solid colour Defines still seem to be.

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 9:28 pm

Thanks. I haven't been into a store for a few weeks and don't know what the cyber stripe feels like. Thick and soft sounds tempting, but $135 after tax is definitely a bit of a leap. I remember when Defines used to cost $99. Sigh.

Lulumum September 1, 2015 - 9:17 pm

No not at all slippery. it's a knit like the space dye twist pants and the cyber stripe naval blue. Thick, soft and knit – not smooth and slippery.

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 9:26 pm

Just got the Studio pants in naval blue size 2! Def need to size down…runs larger than my TTS 4..and they stretch out after wear.

reya September 1, 2015 - 9:34 pm

The sweaty or not kit was in stores today and the photos don't do it justice. It is really awesome, if you use the bags that come with totes for wet clothes or shoes or anything, this is like one of those on steriods for lack of better description immediately coming to mind. I wasn't crazy about the patterns but he functionality is awesome

Anonymous September 4, 2015 - 9:06 am

Mind if I ask which store you saw it in? It's sold out already online

Deb September 1, 2015 - 10:24 pm

The only thing I purchased was the camo Sweaty or Not kit. I absolutely adore the Lulu cosmetic travel bag I bought last Christmas (I forget the name); I use it for business and personal travel all the time. This version will be great when it's just a quick overnight or gym trip and I want something flatter that will fit into a tote easily. I would love either a Cranberry or Sapphire one, but I picked this one up in the meantime. If a colour I like better comes along, this becomes a Christmas gift for one of the women in my family.

I started buying Lulu (for myself – been buying Ivivva and now Lulu for my daughter for years) almost a year ago. I've built up a pretty good stash in that time (I refuse to calculate the total) but the nice thing is that I'm now cherry picking rather than splurging. I've also figured out what items I reach for again and again.

I have lots of running tights so I'm not tempted by the newer more expensive versions.

I suspect Canadian prices will increase if the exchange rates remain this far apart, so I'm glad I bought when I did. My goal over the next year is to only add items I love and sell off the mistakes I made. (I'm never going to wear a tank with a built in bra – I prefer separates and I didn't leave enough room to layer in a couple of jackets like the Fo Drizzle – I now size up when in doubt).

No way I'm paying these prices for crops. I do have a price limit and they've just hit it.

Samantha September 2, 2015 - 12:11 am

I am in the exact same spot as you Deb. Lulu hit and surpassed my spending limit. I already have a good collection of lulu in a variety of colors, so now I'm only adding stuff that I love and will definitely wear. I like the looks of the tight stuff pants with the reflective dots on the bottom, but for $148… no thanks. I already have crops or pants in similar colors to what's currently on the website.

Maybe lulu is trying to get into the "super premium" activewear with some of their items. If so, I think they will lose a lot of (once) loyal customers, and their secondary market will be bigger than their primary market.

Lululover September 1, 2015 - 10:30 pm

I ordered tie dye ITF in sapphire and new Align pants. I was under impression Align pants are green! Lol Nothing else for now, but I'm going to do some damage in Canada this weekend , yay !

Michelle Lu September 1, 2015 - 10:45 pm

Was so hoping for the Circadian SS/LS/tank in cranberry! Much sad, but it saved me a lot of cash.

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 11:18 pm

I am absolutely outraged at these prices. I understand technical fabrics and all but when I'm about to drop over $150 after tax on a pair of run tights they better be from a company with true and tested products and who stand behind their gear. I'm sorry but lulu has failed quite a bit lately and there return policy is abysmal. I've noticed the extreme price hike in reflective gear over the past 2 years and the reflectivity is minimal, at best. I seem to be growing more and more turned off with each upload, this coming from a one time weekly buyer.

Anonymous September 1, 2015 - 11:48 pm

Their return policy is better now. They'll accept anything back if it's not performing as expected. I've returned a few items without issue.

Lulu is really turning me off with their pricing tactics. Unveiling the new pants line is really just their way to push prices up higher. I'm starting to get extremely picky about what I purchase. If I don't love it or it's not perfect (ahem, aligned stripes for god's sake!!), then I'm more keen to let the item go.

Jenny September 2, 2015 - 12:08 am

I think I want the Align Pant but I'm so on the fence. I keep trying to find the perfect pair of black yoga pants and you have to actually wear them to see if they work! Then I'm out almost 100 bucks and have to sell the ones I hate. The align look like they might work but as an Anon said up-thread, true tested isn't always the case.

JacallyL September 2, 2015 - 12:45 am

I tried those at my store today. The NULU is totally see thru. It's soft but it's a shame that it isn't the old school luon we all know and love.

Jenny September 2, 2015 - 12:50 am

Thanks! I thought it looked completely see thru on the video, that was my hesitation. I'll pass then. I'm thinking Sept will be a no buy month.

Lizz September 2, 2015 - 4:00 am

That's really interesting, I didn't find them see through at all and I was wearing bright white full butt panties and didn't see a thing when I bent over. They were too long for me (yay for being 5'1) but I thought they looked and felt great otherwise. May be worth trying on to see for yourself.

Anonymous September 2, 2015 - 12:42 am

Just the Bordeaux Groove Pant III and some arm warmers for me. Seems like the items I buy lately are votes of support for what I'd like to see more of, like colored Groove pants and the tall length Groove shorts. I'm hesitant to purchase items from the new pant/crop line until I can try them on in-store.

Anonymous September 2, 2015 - 1:19 am

remember when wunder unders were 72 CAD…

Anonymous September 2, 2015 - 1:25 am

…and when the Define Jackets were $98… 🙁

Anonymous September 2, 2015 - 1:26 am

and that was when the quality was much better than it is now!

Anonymous September 2, 2015 - 1:23 am

I love the Groove Pants, but I prefer the 'old' Grooves, the ones before the II and III version, mostly because I miss the waistbands on the old ones. I absolutely love that they're giving us more colour options in the IIs and IIIs! I've purchased one pair Naval Blue and two pairs Black Cherry of the IIs. Interested in the IIIs for the the Gator Green and the Bordeaux Drama ones, but haven't tried this new III version on yet.

Mara S September 3, 2015 - 3:46 am

OT but good luck on your whole 30!! I've been paleo for two years now and did the whole 30 once. Tough but woth it! Keep strong!

Lulumum September 3, 2015 - 3:50 am

Thanks! Almost through day 2. It's been painful this time around and I'm really reaaaaallly missing my triple shot starbucks latte. I can give up most anything else painlessly but that is the one thing that is giving me withdrawel.
I did the W30 before and had lost about 30-35lbs but in the last 2 years I've gained most of it back. So the W30 needed to happen again.


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