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Cristina founded The Sweat Edit community in 2010, from her home in Vancouver, BC. She loves working out when she’s not at work managing the website. Her favourite workouts include olympic weightlifting, crossfit, running, and spinning on her Peloton. Favourite Peloton Workouts: Power Zone Training with Denis Morton or Matt Wilpers. Read about The Sweat Edit for more.
6 minutes in and my computer is still in the waiting room and my phone says no more inventory. Wow ! I got to register- must've just made it. But didn't get to do my sisters registration unless the waiting room leads to anything . That's crazy. Is it really sold out so fast??
I got into the waiting room on my pc at 11:01 (MST) wheel spinning, spinning, so I switched to my iPad at 11:06 and was done registering in 2 minutes. Wheel was still spinning on the pc. Weird. A friend went to the site at 11:20 on her pc, and skipped the waiting room altogether and was able to register immediately.
app was faster for me even though I did everything on my computer first.
I'm in.
Same for me.. I actually clicked register on my computer first and then on my phone and the phone for me registered. Do you suggest buying festival tickets right away for people you're traveling with or that's not as urgent???
total joke. started trying to register at exactly 10am. wait listed right away and now its sold out.
I was in the waiting room at 10:00am and no luck 🙁
ugh. sold out.
I was on right at 10am, then at 10:08am it told me no tickets available. I kept hitting refresh like it was going out of style and managed to score a spot! My best friend got in right away so we were wondering how to handle it if only one of us made it. Luckily we don't have to worry about that now.
I didn't even know there was an app, I will have to check that out for next year!
I got kicked out of the waiting room, kept refreshing and then after I entered all my payment info was told it was sold out. Ridiculous
Oh My GOD! I thought it was tomorrow. I'm gutted. My husband was going to run it with me this year, I can't believe I spaced the date. 🙁
My computer stalled right at 10 but eventually the register screen came up. It was a little hairy since the timer was already down to 5 minutes when the page fully loaded but I got through! First Seawheeze, first ever half-marathon!
Used my cell and the app at 10:10, no probs. Couldn't get in last year but I did it the year before. Very excited over here in Victoria!!!
Got in without any problems aside from the green register button seeming a little laggy. SeaWheeze registration day is definitely one of the most stressful days of the year for me. Happy to say "I'm on the Squad"!!
Tried at 10 on the dot. Was in the waiting room for 13 minutes before being told that it was sold out…
Very frustrating to hear that people who logged on after 10 were able to register themselves and then several family members…
You suck eventbrite.
EventBrite was horrible. I was able to register but my husband was not even though he did everything he should have. He was on the page at 10am on the dot. He even made it to the registration page. After inputting all the right info, he hit submit and ended up on the registration page again without being registered. I'm trying to do EVERYTHING I can to find him a bib….Lulu has been nothing but excuses. We are legacy runners…
Also, Lululemon should ban all "non-participant" registrants. It really kills me to think of the thousands of "squad members" who have no intention of actually racing.
I don't have the sort of job where I can just down tools at work and keep refreshing a page trying to register. I wouldn't have been allowed to use work computers to do this either. By the time I checked my phone in my lunch break it was sold out. Melissa's race is crazy popular ( except this year ) and I registered for that both times I tried, no problem. There are lots of big races that don't have these registration issues, Lulu really ought to be able to sort it out. I've done 5 half marathons and one full, so I'm a "real" runner – never done Seawheeze, probably never will………. I checked today halfheartedly thinking if it wasn't full I'd sign up, there are other half marathons I can do next year with less stress and cost! Good luck to all those who did get in!
It's quite ridiculous because so many register just to get the shorts not even to race! I also couldn't fiddle refreshing at my job and didn't make it. Bummed..