Check out the Jewelled Magenta WAFS headband. I’ve mentioned a few times my hopes that the Jewelled Magenta WAFS comes out soon. That is definitely on my list of things to watch for.
I have a few items that are left over from my last blog sale and I’d like to move them as quickly as possible so I’m selling them at a discounted ‘lot’ rate. $300 plus shipping for Size 8 Spry Contempo Jacket, Size 8 Heathered Charcoal and Petite Fleur Wunder Under Crops, size 8 Power Purple Energy Bra and Size 10 Mellow Lemon Rejuvenate Hoodie. I also have a size 8 Sport Cardi that I’d like to part with, I’m open to reasonable offers on that one. Email me at [email protected]