Kit And Ace, New Shannon Wilson Brand

by Cristina

Shannon Wilson and Chip Wilson will be launching a new Technical Cashmere Brand called Kit and Ace. Sign up here for updates on the brand which will launch in Fall 2014. Shannon Wilson is one of the original head designers of Lululemon and is married to Chip Wilson, the founder.  I’m very excited about this brand as I love natural fabrics and especially wool/cashmere blends. I strictly wear wool socks for my technical running/crossfit socks and am intrigued by a cashmere that I can work out in. This is meant to be a high end luxury brand so I am also curious about the pricing and how it compares to Icebreaker which I really like, but it doesn’t have the feminine designer quality that Lululemon has. 

Chip Wilsons eldest son also has a menswear line he created in Vancouver called Wings + Horns which originated in 2004.

Chip Wilson’s timely media statement calling for a board shakeup to defend ‘core values’. 

Kit and Ace was founded in Gastown on the westcoast (or left coast) of Canada, in Vancouver, British Columbia. 

What we do. 

We took a look at the world and the people living in it and decided that we could make luxury fabrications and beautiful clothing – functional. So we took at stab at it and created this – Kit and Ace. Our focus is Technical Cashmere™. Cashmere that’s smarter than you know it to be. 

So here. 

We’re all busy and we all want clothing that works. We all like nice things – especially quality things that function. So we make clothing that does what we like. We design from an understanding that the world is moving fast and that our lives are trying to keep up. Kit and Ace is about time, value, and integrity. We have big plans for the future. 

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