Fit Review: Secret Garden Multi Cool Racerback

by Cristina

Last Monday I ordered the Secret Garden Multi Cool Racerback and then almost immediately regretted it, especially after deciding that I’d get more use out of the Coastal Tank in this print. Its just such an out there in your face print that I’d never wear it to the gym, but I would wear it maybe casually so I thought the Coastal Tank would get wear at the beach and pool, and with shorts. Now that the Cool Racerback has arrived I’m torn because I really like it in the Cool Racerback. Its vibrant, there is more blue throughout the print and its soft and silky just like the Camouflage Cool Racerback. Yes its polyester but its the acceptable kind, soft and silky vs the thin, sheer and scratchy polyester CRB’s. 

As far as this print, I love it and shy away from it in equal measure. This is a very polarizing print, but I think its beautiful. 

What do you guys feel about Secret Garden Multi? Love it or hate it?  Should I return one or both of these? 

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