Newest Cool Racerbacks: Petal Pop Multi, Straightup Stripe

by Cristina

Sorry my blog posts have been light and I missed the 12th Day Of Christmas Post (which I will post for New Years Eve, my top favourite items of the year). My family and I have all had a nasty bout of Norwalk virus right after Christmas so I’ve been feeling too miserable to post much at all. Anyhow, I picked up the Straightup Stripe Cool Racerback last week and tucked it away but I really love it. I saw the Petal Pop Multi Cool Racerback in store and really disliked it, as well as the new Fresh Teal Cool Racerback which didn’t entice me. I do however really look forward to a Baroque Blue Cool Racerback. We know we are going to see a striped Black/Baroque Blue Cool Racerback but I hope we see a solid blue one as well. 

Petal Pop Multi CRB with Bandit Track Pants

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