This product alert from Australia just came in with a picture of the upcoming Run: Catch Me Tank in Pigment Blue Tonka Stripe, the Flare Pacesetter Skirt and some dark coal turbo shorts with flare contrast. Lastly, last night an Australian reader mentioned spotting new Angel Blue and Split Pea Cool Racerbacks in her store and they had the black bonded seams (shown here). I’m really left scratching my head at the product releases this month. Two different runs of Angel Blue and Split Pea CRB’s? and the incongruent color pallet we’ve had this month? It seems like they have doubled the amount of product drops this month, there is just so much ‘stuff’ out compared to what product drops are usually like. The regular product assortment in Bordeaux Drama, Split Pea and Angel Blue, then the TWO capsules for commuter cycling and hot yoga (105F and Hot Spell line), pigment blue and milky way print, outerwear, bags and accessories….crazy town! I’m hoping this all equals a sizable product drop to the outlet and ‘We Made Too Much’ sometime soon – I have a quite a few items on my ‘WMTM Watch List’ for the first time in a long time.
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