Tried these on today and I love them in this color but am a bit unsure if it’s wiser to wait and see if they come in crop version. If these weren’t as warm as they are with the lining I prefer to have them as pants but I’m just not sure these will transition to fall/winter because of the color. Dune looks gorgeous with the new porcelain items though as well as with Concord and Deep Indigo. I was really quite surprised to like these in this color since sometimes taupes/kakies wash me out but they are a really nice shade and the color makes them more subdued than white. Watcha guys think??
Oooh, also, I picked up a new book. 50 Shades Of Grey. 🙂 have you heard of it by chance? what do you think about possibly doing a book club post for this book on this blog? I can post a discussion topic and we can discuss in comments. It’ll force me to actually get thru an entire book. I used to be such a voracious reader and it’s just so hard to get really engrossed in books since having kids so now I rely on lighter topics and ‘chic lit’ style books. I’ve been told by several of you that this is a quick, weekend read.
– Posted by lulumum from my iPhone