Real Life Pictures: Concord Grape Dance Studio Crops

by Cristina

I really love these new Studio Pants in Concord Grape but I’m 99% sure I’m not going to be jumping on the bandwagon with these. The color is great and I love them on everybody else but I feel like they would look silly on me and I’m not sure what I’d pair with them. I like the idea of a more neutral top with them (how boring of me) but that really doesn’t give them a lot of versatility in my closet and I know I’ll end up not ever wearing them. I was the same with the white studio crops which I wore once and then decided I just couldn’t pull off that look. However, if Ebb and Flow Crops ever appear in Concord Grape  as was rumored I could easily make an exception for those since those I would wear for running and crossfit. 

Studio Pant II Concord Grape

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