Upload Thursday Eve Refresher; Black Swan, Lilac, Heathered Deep Camo, Herringbone Pattern, Tree Frog,

by Cristina

I didn’t end up finding anything in store this week to get but there have been a couple of product alert items that have gotten me really excited. The Black Swan Plum Classic Stripe Scuba, Stride Jacket in Plum/Heathered Plum Mini Stripe, The Deep Camo Pique Headband. If any of those items get uploaded tomorrow I will likely jump, although I’d love to see real life photos of both the Stride and the Scuba to see if it’s a true plum or something really muddled looking since it has a similar toned stripe in it. 

I stopped in at lulu today and my trusted educator confirmed the Gratitude Wrap rumours and told me they’d likely be in stores this month, and that there are about 3 colors expected. She also let me know that there are fleece pullovers on the horizon, new brighty colored vinyasa scarves. Persian Purple is a new purple coming in the October clothing palette and it’s very similar to Power Purple in its vibrancy (its not PP though) and we will be seeing lots of plum. She hadn’t heard anything about a Black Swan themed Tutu (stranger things have happened though).  She also let me know that the mens line has a brand new design team with an eye to more masculine colors and designs so that is an exciting thing to keep an eye out for for early Christmas shopping. Hopefully this is true because I’d love to get my husband a few pieces for Christmas. 

What are you guys hoping to see uploaded tomorrow? 

Scuba Hoodies; Black Swan and Black Dip Dye Black Swan 

Heathered Black Swan Plum Classic Stripe

Cool Racerback Tanks; Heathered Deep Camo, Heathered Deep Coal, Heathered Tree Frog, Lilac Heathered Coal Wee Stripe

Scoop Neck Tanks; Lilac Heathered Coal Wee Stripe, Deep Coal Heathered Coal Wee Stripe

 Cabin Tee Long Sleeve; Heathered Coal Lilac Coal Wee Stripe, Black Heathered Coal, Black Swan, 

 Stride Jacket; Black Swan/Black Swan Heathered Black Herringbone (Brushed), Ghost Heathered Coal Herringbone (Brushed) Plum/Heathered Plum Mini Check

 Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve and Long Sleeves; Black Swan, Lilac

Full Tilt Crops *Special Edition*

Tadasana Slit Crop


 Ta Ta Tamer, Ghost Coal Wee Stripe

 Deep Camo Pique (so excited about this wee little headband!)

 Triumphant Tote

 Movement Scarf and Toque

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Anonymous October 5, 2011 - 10:49 am

The black swan cabin ls will be mine!

N October 6, 2011 - 1:32 am

lilac cabin & black swan cabin!!

Anonymous October 6, 2011 - 2:22 am

So excited that vinyasa scarves are coming back! I hope the gratitude wrap colors and the vinyasa scarves are coming to The US too! Two of my fav items! Siphon! May have to save my money, but I want the plum stride and black swan cabin ls

Janet October 6, 2011 - 2:53 am

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes up in the Persian Purple … and more Plum is great news! As much as I hate the greedy price hikes of the vinyasa scarf, I would love to have a brightly coloured one!

My dilemma, do I get the black swan stride, or wait to see if it might crop up in a SFT?

Anonymous October 6, 2011 - 5:21 am

My store in Chicago confirmed getting the tutu in this afternoon! Too funny.

Anonymous October 6, 2011 - 2:27 pm

Got the Tree Frog CRB….Very strange images of nude model on websie campaign…..what are they thinking?

Anonymous October 6, 2011 - 6:45 pm

The US side upload was lame! I want a brightly colored vinyasa too! The new currant color would be awesome 🙂 saving my pennies for the gratitude wraps and the plum stride.


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