New Let It Loose Tank Colors

by Cristina

I recently tried on the solid Surge Blue Let it Loose Tank and really, really loved it a lot more then the No Limit Tank on me. The fit was just a lot more flattering and the combination of sheer luon over a luxtreme bra was divine. I’m feeling really tempted by the heathered dewberry version of the tank since the heathered dewberry looks a lot less saturated and more plumy here. I suspect the inner bra is luon light and not luxtreme as the printed bra versions (space dye/wee stripe) tend to be luon light. Ah well, I’m sure the difference in comfort is pretty minimal. I think I would have loved this even a little more if the inner bra was the same color as the outside. 

Let It Loose Tanks

Dewberry Wee Stripe/Heathered  Dewberry

Surge Wee Stripe/Heathered Surge

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