Color Comparison **Updated** – Surge Blue, Snorkel Blue and Oasis

by Cristina

Thanks to reader Lululover for sending in this much better picture comparing Oasis, Surge and Teal Zeal. I’m feeling like I should have picked up a CRB in Teal Zeal or Oasis as those colors look really great layered together with Surge and all three colors will look very summery worn with White Dance Studio Pants/Crops.

Left: Surge Blue  Right: Snorkel Blue


My new Surge Blue Cool Racerback Tank just arrived (love! keeping!) but sadly I don’t have a picture of Teal Zeal and Oasis to add to the mix here for comparison. I would say that Snorkel is much bluer then Surge. If you were to compare Teal Zeal with Surge I would say Teal is much further on the green side of the spectrum and the closest color to it would be Oasis. I really like the Oceany Surge blue color though and although Oasis is similar, I wasn’t in love with Oasis mostly because of the palette it came in for the fall (Oasis, Alarm, Citron, River Rock). Those colors together for a fall palette really turned me off.

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