Mini Store Report

by Cristina

I had a quick trip to lulu today to get some pants groomed and they had a few new items in and also some restock. The highlight for me was Heathered Wren Lulu II pants. I have no need for new Lulu II pants, ok I sort of do because the ones I have are now too large, but I passed on them for now. I decided I wanted the  Violaceous Pure Focus Tank but they were all sold out of them in size 8 so that was sad for me (I’ll trade you a size 8 Hot Class Tank for one if you have it..). Also, there was one lone Pow Pink Cool Racerback tank in a 12 but I didn’t love the color for me. I like it in trim but as an entire tank it’s a bit too barbie doll for me and I can’t pull that off. I saw this Lively Crewneck Tee in Unicorn Tears, lots of restock of Swiftly Tech Long Sleeves and Short Sleeves in Wish, Haze, Purple Crush and Violaceous. I couldn’t choose a color that I loved more then the others so I passed. If I’d seen a Power Purple Long Sleeve or Short Sleeve I would have gotten that for sure.  Record Breaker Jackets in both Violaceous and Snorkel Blue were in and those were pretty except I don’t love the fit of the jacket on my long torso. Also, Run Jog Skirts were in in UT but I didn’t venture over to have a closer look to see what other colors where there. I tried on the Run Faster Longer shorts in a size up and didn’t love them on me. My last run I was really pining for shorts or very short crops so hopefully lulu comes out with more soon.  Oh, another exciting thing I saw today were new Dance Studio Pants in Deep Navy. Those were very obviously blue for those of you that weren’t thrilled with the almost black Raw Blue. Personally I prefer the Raw Blue but that’s because I don’t also have a pair of them in black.

Right now, looking at the picture of the Lulu II pants in Heathered Wren I kind of regret passing on them. I think if they show up in crop form I’ll get them for sure but I do really love the fit and feel of these pants.

Lively Crewneck Tee

Lively Crewneck TeeLively Crewneck TeeAlternate View

Lulu Pant II Heathered Wren OMG love these!!

Lulu PantLulu PantAlternate View

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