Today was my first opportunity to wear my new Run Swiftly Tech LS on a run. It was about 4* today but super sunny so despite the chill in the air my beloved Hustle Jacket was just too warm to wear today. I wore my Swiflty Tech without a Cool Racerback underneath and it took me about 5 minutes to warm up enough to no longer feel chilled and I was happy with my wardrobe choice for a shortish 3 mile run. I’m really happy with this swiftly. I’ve had the long sleeve before from the made in Israel batch and there are definitely differences between the two. Here is my initial Fit Review of this Black Swiftly Tee.
Today, the long sleeve performed very well and wicked away sweat just as well as my old Lagoon one. perhaps better. I did notice it was warmer and softer then my old version which worked for me since it was chilly out. I find it a lot more like the mens Metal Vent Tech Tee in thickness now which is nice since I sometimes find certain colors to be too thin and unflattering on my less then smooth areas. The extra thickness is nice for camouflage and warmth. I don’t know if I can vouch for all of the Sri Lanka made swiftly’s as I always find the different colors fit me differently but I am very happy with this one and may consider getting another one.
Thanks so much to Melissa in Melbourne Australia for sending these images of the Ultimate No Show Running Socks. She wore them today and said she was really happy with the comfort and that they didn’t slip at all. She really likes the little lip at the back that prevents slipping.
I have a pair of the Ultimate Running socks and when I got them I was really disappointed because I thought they were No Show and it turns out they weren’t and that looks really bad when you have short legs and are wearing crops so I hardly ever wear them now. I’ve been using my Featherweigtht socks and really like them, especially in all the fun colors and prints, but they lack the cushioning and warmth of the Ultimate Running Socks. I’m excited to try these when they come out and really want to get the orange pair Melissa is wearing here. My runners are similar coloring to hers (mine are the New Balance 1080) and the combination of the orange socks with blue runners is really appealing to me and looks super cool ;p. I know it seems silly and frivolous but I assure you I’m all about fashion AND function, not just fashion. Some of the time (more like most) I grab whatever socks are clean and end up wearing mismatched skittles colored socks anyways.
Ultimate No Show Running Socks