New In Stride Coming!!

by Cristina

Last week I wrote ‘Dreaming of Another In Stride‘ in hopes of seeing a new In Stride in the same light grey pique/white that was spotted in a new Define Jacket (Light Grey Pique with a white contrast logo on the front). Well, today I was told by a reader that she spotted this very same Light Grey Pique In Stride Jacket at her strategic partner spa. I went in search of this In Stride Jacket today at a local strategic partner Hary Om Yoga Studio but sadly they were closed despite the sign saying open so I was not able to check out the newest items. I’m told they have a new Aruba Scuba as well as the newest Resolution LS’s (Aruba, Heathered Purple Crush/Purple Crush, Purple Crush Define) so I would have liked to have checked those out as well.  Alas, it was not meant to be today. I also just got a product notification for the Light Grey Pique In Stride Jacket from an Australian store but the Black Pique is the one that’s shown. I am officially jonesing for this jacket and have it on my ‘need right now’ wish list.

Local stores have been very empty of new items this past week so I’m hoping they get a large product dump on Monday that will include this jacket as well as the No Limit Tank expected in Black/Black, Aruba/Aruba, Coal/Purple Crush. I wont be getting the No Limit Tank myself since it’s not something I would likely use for running in but am hoping to see some great pictures of it that I can share with you.

Wunder Under Crop

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