Itak Print and Rubber Ducky

by Cristina

This is a bit of a closeup of Itak Print. There are a lot of new colors showing up so it’s hard to say what these two are in the print. Perhaps Purple Crush and Concord Grape? We’ll be seeing a Scoop neck tank in this print as well with Grape/Concord Grape Itak.

The trim on this bag is called Rubber Ducky. It looks pretty similar to Chirp from last spring but perhaps a little lighter.

Wish Blue Poncho Stripe Hustle Jacket

The Factory Outlet in Vancouver currently has these new Waterwall print grooves on for $79. I assume this is a minimal markdown and that sales are final. (sorry for the text)

Groove Pant *Organic*

These are all the new headbands in stores. The top ones are called ‘Dance! Headband’ and are really cute, I don’t think I’ve ever seen those before so they must be new. It almost looks like there are two widths in these, the Black one being extra thick and then there is the Aruba and a darker Teal below it. The rest of these are the Braided headband, Slipless Headband, Untwisted Headband, and Skinny Satin Pirouette Headband. 

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