A Year In Review Series – Day 3 : Luon Pants of 2010

by Cristina

This year we’ve seen a lot of Luon Pants come out. Not a lot of them interested me all that much as I like to use Luxtreme Running tights for running and for lounging in I prefer either the plain ol’ Wunder Unders/Grooves or Relaxed Fit Pants. The Tadasana’s interested me because they are a narrow strait leg pant with a drawcord at the bottom to customize the length and for a shorty like me that is an awesome feature to have.  I don’t tend to venture out too much in my luon pants as they’re usually not the feature item that I’m wearing. The biggest fail in this category by a landslide is the Yoga Harem Pants.

**and a late addition to this list are the Polocross pants who I had forgotten all about, I’m not sure how. These pants were loved and adored by some lucky few who were able to pull the look off. They were one of the few Lab inspired pieces that made it in to the regular retail chain. The other pants being Yoga Harem pants.

What was your top favourite pant this year?

Tadasana PantsYoga Harem PantsAstro PantsBelt it Out PantsPique Energize PantsSage Twist PantsInsight PantsYogi Dance PantsRelaxed Fit Pants,Polocross Pants


Pants by lulumum 

Pants by lulumum 

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