A Year In Review Series – Day 2: Luon and Luxtreme Jackets of 2010

by Cristina

Luon & Luxtreme Track Jackets Lululemon

Luon & Luxtreme Track Jackets Lululemon by lulumum 

These are all of the Luon and Luxtreme Jackets that were out this year (hopefully I remembered them all). My favourite style is the Stride jacket and although not my favourite style I really liked the Very Violet and Lilac versions of the Define.

Mynah Jacket Half Moon JacketChallenge JacketDefine JacketStride II JacketYogi Dance JacketTadasana JacketShape Jacket

Some memorable items from this list were the Define Jacket that came out in Wish Blue and Pig Pink with an updated chunky industrial looking zipper that a lot of you really disliked. Looking back I I really did liked the Pig Pink one even with the chunky zipper. The Strides have had quality issues this year with seams fraying and unsecured flat lock seams and badly placed zipper pockets, some people made up to 3 exchanges before they found an acceptable Stride or they went with something else entirely. The Tadasana and the Yogi Dance Jacket are by far the more out there designs with loose fitting mesh back for the Tadasana and the big ruffles on the back of the Yogi Dance Jacket. The Challenge Jacket has a really cool looking shape that reminds me of the cropped leather jacket look but was priced too high at $168 because of the new Silverescent Luon fabric they used (great for pet owners I hear). That is more then I want to spend on a track jacket. Which were your favourites this year?

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