Run Ambition Pullover & New Power Y Tank

by Cristina

Run Ambition Pullover  in Black. I really liked the look of the black but I hate wearing a black top with black bottoms and so I usually stay away from Black at Lululemon. The good thing about the Ambition Pullover in Black though is that it wont fade at all so it will always be a nice crisp black.

Here it is in White and Snorkel. I also liked the White but I know that eventually I would get bored of it in white so I got it in Snorkel.

Power Y Tank I like that these are trimmed in solid colors. This is Passion/Microstripe Passsion. I have a Passion 5yr Pima Tee which looks a lot different from the Passion currently in stores. It’s hard to say though because colors change from fabric to fabric and there are no new items in Passion/Pima Cotton. I think my t-shirt is a bit more coral/orangy pink and slightly less intense then what’s in stores.  

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