New Items and a Fit Review

by Cristina

I got to try the Hustle Tank today and I was surprised to really like it a lot. I found it very flattering and comfortable to wear. The cut is A-line so it’s quite loose around the middle and very comfortable but slightly narrower up top around the chest so it’s more like a shift dress in fit. The seams on the front are also very flattering and slimming.  The only issue I had with the size 8 I tried on was that it was perfect in fit except for in the back area where it was snugger and showed a bit of bra fat in the back as you can see. It didn’t feel tight at all but I felt uncomfortable with the way that looked, so I think if you have a bigger bust size you may also feel more comfortable sizing up. I also notice this in some of the pictures that have come out today even on the really skinny girls so I don’t feel so bad about myself now.  I would try this one on in a 10 and see how the ruffles sit.

I tried on the Poncho Stripe Scuba Hoodie fully expecting to bring one home for a ‘visit’ but I was neither here nor there with it on me. I think I like the plain old solid scubas better on me. These are untextured scubas, they are the same fabric as other scubas which is not what I expected since when you zoom in on pictures of the print it looks textured, but that’s just part of the print and not true texture. I think I liked the muted poncho stripe on me best but I liked the wish blue poncho stripe when I first picked them up. I’m happy keeping my Solid Wish Scuba though so neither of these came home today. The only thing I purchased today were leg warmers (vinyassa on sale for $14) because I had toe surgery this afternnoon and in this freezing cold weather I have to wear flip flops for the next few days. Yuck!!! Unhappy!

You can see what looks like texture in these pictures but it’s actually part of the print and not true texture. 

Hustle Tank in Static Power Purple. I also saw it in White today and that one was pretty as well but I’m not in need of a new tank so passed. 

I prefer this looser fitting

New Dash Pullover in Static Power Purple and Static Mid Grey. I really like the static mid grey a lot but I’m all run pullovered out. The passion for them is gone I guess.

Black Hustle Jacket. This one is kind of plain compared to the other colors. It’s a great basic but I really fell for the Plum and Coal Shale Print and  White/Silver 1/16″ Stripe

New Run Swiftly Tech LS in Dark Classic Sports Grey/Power Purple and Yogi Dance Crops in Black/Power Purple

Poncho Scuba and Luluacquard Scuba ($138!!! that is atrocious!). I’m not a huge fan of Fair Isle type prints (Luluacquard) so When I saw these in person today I did’t really bother to try one on. I’m shocked that the price on these is even higher then other Special Edition Scuba Hoodies.  As usual, all we can do is vote with our wallets. 

Black Luluacquard Diamond Print & Black Luluacquard Multi Knit.

Live Simply Jacket  in Heathered Clarity Grey and Power Purple Luluacquard Snowstar $118. 

Poncho Stripe Scubas:  Multi Poncho Stripe; Coal Poncho Stripe; Wish Blue Poncho Stripe

Live Simply Crewneck Tee Black Roses Print. This had a different feel to me then the other Live Simply (non heathered) Crewnecks but it is Pima/Lycra. I think maybe this one has a bit more lycra for added stretch then the others. I may go for this if I see it on markdown later in the season. 

Fast Forward Jacket (also spotted it in black). I caught a glimpse of it on my way out and I liked it but it didn’t woo me over (for now). I’ll have a better look at it tomorrow though and I’ll probably do a fit report of this one. 

Inner Awareness Tank. I saw this last week briefly when the new silver luon items came out but I totally forgot about it. 

These Merino Leg warmers have been sitting at the Factory Outlet for the last few weeks so I didn’t expect to see them in stores, I assumed they were something they made and then decided not to release for some reason. When I was there this afternoon they were not in but I slipped in later to pick up my Leg Warmers after the surgery and they were being put out.

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