I was just thinking how much I love Raw Blue and decided to look online under ‘Shop by Color’ well low and behold the Run Ambition Crops pop up and I just now noticed that the Raw Blue on these are the entire pant and not a contrast color as I had first thought. Some of us have been asking for a while for new fun colors for the run crops since were all Coal and Blacked Out. I may give these a try on Monday when I go back to the store. Raw Blue almost looks black, it’s deeper then Navy so it will look really great with a lot of the items I have (Teal, Lilac, Cool Blue, Snorkel)..but it may look awful paired with other colors. I wonder how this will look with my Plum Hustle Jacket. If I see a pair of tights that are all Raw Blue with no contrast color on them I’ll be all over it. For now, these officially have me intrigued.