Effortless Hoodie Fit Review

by Cristina

I decided to stop in at my store because I wanted to try on the Brisk Ear Warmer vs the Brisk Running Toque to see what looked better and felt most comfortable and decided to try on the Heather Lolo Effortless Pullover while I was there. I tried it on in my Stride and Scuba Hoodie size 8 and it felt really snug in the arms, probably ok if you don’t mind that or if you have thin arms but I hate that feeling. I felt the body was roomy enough in this size that if I went up a size it would be too roomy and boxy. I have a feeling these are going to be marked down very soon, not so much because of the style of it but because of the awkward fit difference between the arms and the body. The one thing I really liked about this hoodie was the large hood in the back and also the distressed seams in the back of the hood. I hate that the logo is not embroidered on and just looks like a worn screen print.

As far as the Brisk Running items goes, I ended up with the Ear Warmers instead of the Toque because the Toque looked just awful on me. I’ll get it later if it’s cold enough that I need it but for now the fashionable choice trumped. The Toque does actually cover your ears and is quite warm so you don’t need to get both items, but if you like the way toques look on you than I would get the toque. I also grabbed the Neck Warmer because it was small and light and looks like it has a cinch cord in it so you can tighten it up and I figured I would probably use it to cover my mouth to warm my breath.

I also saw the SE CRB’s and it’t not lined with circle mesh but with a small edge of luon in contrasting color. I also tried on the Static Relaxed Fit Crops with the Lolo waist and I love them. As soon as there out in a full length pant I’m grabbing them.

I hope this fit review helps you decide what size to grab for the Effortless Hoodie if you’ve been on the fence about it.

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Anonymous August 26, 2010 - 8:23 pm

it looks cuter on then i thought it looked just in the site pics..but it's still not for me! Thanks! ~B

Anonymous August 26, 2010 - 8:31 pm

Too bad about the arms fitting tight, I really hate that on any jacket/hoodie so unless it goes into loot for really cheap I definitely won't be paying full price on it, not to mention if I totally hate the fit, I won't bother with it from loot either. Thanks for taking the time to share and show!!

Vicki August 26, 2010 - 8:57 pm

This is definately cute but I think im with everyone else and holding out for it to come to loot. I can imagine myself with this on and some organic wunder unders and a Strabucks Toffee Nut Latte curled up on my couch reading and watching the snow/rain. Can you tell im sick of summer 😛

Anonymous August 26, 2010 - 9:06 pm

I just tried that on today at Metrotown 🙂 The educator at the pants area mentioned that the arms are tighter fitting as well, but I have small arms so it wasn't too bad. I liked it, but ended up getting to lolo scuba instead. I also got the lolo bon voyage bag and heathered charcoal relaxed fit pants. Can't wait for fall. I think I saw you walking in Banana Republic. I saw a wish blue dip dye bag hanging on a double stroller and if it was you, wearing all lulu 🙂

Anonymous August 26, 2010 - 9:25 pm

omg that toffee nut latte sounds amazing. how come I've never seen it at starbucks before?? is it a canadian thing only?! i must go check it out even though it's still very very HOT here south of the border!

Anonymous August 26, 2010 - 9:29 pm

I ordered the Effortless hoodie, so I will be able to check out the body fit vs. the arms. I don't find I have a problem with items others say have tight arms, but will see. Could very well be a return 🙂

ellesmommy August 26, 2010 - 9:29 pm

Thanks, Cristina, for the photos! I haven't had a toffee nut latte in a long time. They have them here in the states, but usually don't advertise until fall/winter. Not sure if they carry them during the summertime, as well.

Vicki August 26, 2010 - 9:57 pm

The toffee nut latte is a year round item but they just don't advertise it. I LOVED the weather this morning, it was perfect for running and I got to try out my new cross train pullover, which I love!

Anju August 27, 2010 - 12:04 am

Hi Christina 🙂 I don't have the luxury to order both and return (because of shipping overseas) so do you think I would size down or stay the same? My Stride & Define is a 6…. Sorry – can't seem to figure this out on my own with all the comments and reviews…

Anju August 27, 2010 - 12:07 am

oops – sorry didn't mean to add an h to your name 🙂 Thanks Cristina!

Lulumum August 26, 2010 - 8:24 pm

It is actually pretty cute on and I loved the color but it's just not my style.

Lulumum August 26, 2010 - 8:50 pm

What's interesting is that the Educator at the changing room right away asked me for feedback on it and what I didn't like about it and then when I told her about the arms she said she would make sure to pass that along so it could get redesigned. It looks to me like they are aware of the fit being a bit off and are wanting feedback. I've never before been pointedly asked for feedback on items that I have put back.

Lulumum August 26, 2010 - 8:59 pm

um hello!! were you not cheering about the cool weather this morning??? I was so happy to put on my flashback pullover and Wunder Grooves today. And now I must walk to Starbucks and grab a toffee nut latte. Thanks for that Vicki! ;p

Lulumum August 26, 2010 - 9:10 pm

haha, that was me!!! I think during my short trip into Banana my toddler was being awful =( I usually try to wear some non-lulu when I go into Lululemon but I couldn't resist today so I wasn't very inconspicuous.

Lulumum August 26, 2010 - 9:11 pm

gosh, and me without my hair did!

Lulumum August 26, 2010 - 9:31 pm

Your welcome for the photos. As far as the arm fit I tend to have bigger arms during nursing (fat distribution, ah the joys!) so if you have smaller arms this wont be a problem. It just felt uncomfortable for me, especially in the inside elbow area.

Lulumum August 27, 2010 - 4:21 am

No worries Anju. It all depends on your arms. If you have small to average arms you should be fine with your size 6, but if you want the arms to be roomy I would go one size up. If you look at the model on the lululemon website I'm pretty sure she's wearing it a size up in order to get that body length and the roominess in her arms. But on the other hand, a lady on facebook said she sized down in this (purchased in store) and she was very happy with the fit (likes her sweaters to be fitted) I personally wouldn't size down on this one and would just stick to your size.

Anonymous August 27, 2010 - 10:37 pm

aah.. the toffee nut lattes… i remember having a toffee nut frap about 6 years ago and they were so good. at that time, the barristas said that the toffee nut flavouring was a seasonal item. do they still have the toffee candy bits on top of the whipped cream?

ps. moms with infants and young children should never apologize for the hair not being done for a trip to the mall. i have 3 boys under 6 and if i manage to actually brush my hair before tossing it into a ponytail in the morning, it's a good day 🙂



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