This Just In – Some Of The Things That Tempted Me

by Cristina

Tempted but I didn’t cave. Glad the wraps are now available to everyone because they are really such a pretty item. Poop on the price though. If they were cheaper I’d get 3 of them, all of them except the black. I wont buy black anymore because it fades miserably after about three washes (cotton items). I don’t find that my Luon items fade though.

This is a really secksi top and with the Oasis
and black it looks almost retro.
Really pretty and soft color combination.
Love the Lolo contrast on grey.
Tried this on the other day and loved it.
Super supportive for running.
I’m considering this one because it goes with my
Iconic Wrap and my wish blue Wunder Grooves
I have the coal but I love this color. If I had
some of the alarm tanks I would have gotten this.

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1 comment

Anonymous July 31, 2010 - 5:02 am

just wanted to let you know it's sexy, not secksi.


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