Lululemon Mommy Must Haves

by Cristina

Pregnancy & Post Pregnancy

These are some of the items that made up my pregnancy wardrobe and that I still am able to wear because they have all retained there shapes. Some items you should size up in and some you can stay your pre pregnancy size. When your pregnant your comfort is the most important things. You will get hot flashes, itchy skin and swollen feet (and butt and belly and boobs) so if you can get away with wearing all lulu morning, noon and night I say go for it. You may need to supplement with pregnancy jeans (which I detest) or a formal outfit if you need to go out somewhere. For the most part though, most people will cut you some slack as far as wearing comfort clothes as you are after all busy growing a human being and more uncomfortable then they will ever know. If you wore Lulu items during your pregnancy that I haven’t listed here, please feel free to add them in the comments section. Also, some people prefer to wear loose flowy tops while pregnant while others prefer to wear form fitting tops. My list of tops is based on a form fitting style so keep that in mind. Lulu also makes some empire waisted tops which you may prefer post pregnancy while things take a while to get back to normal.

Jackets and Hoodies: I wore my Remix sweatshirt right till the end, and although I was able to suck in my tummy and zip it up I just wore it open at all times. Someone had mentioned on Facebook that they used the Stride Jacket and I so wish I would have owned one at the time because I know that it would have been just perfect and zip-upable.

Still II Pants: By far, the best pair of pants for pregnancy are the Still II Pants, crops and shorts. They are roomy in the legs and butt, the waist is the most comfortable because you can roll it down under your belly or up over your belly. Great for c-section recovery. If you get them in black you can wear them as dressy work pants under a long cardigan. They bounce right back to pre pregnancy shape just like you will.


Lulu Crops and Pants: to be worn under your belly. Nice warm cotton for cooler weather. You may need to size 1 up depending on your hips. I had 2 pairs, one was my normal size and one was my size up size and I wore them both equally.
Lulu Crop

Cool Racer Back Tanks: Form fitting and long to cover your entire belly and the Luon will wick away sweat while you have your pregnancy induced hot flashes. I could never wear actual maternity tops because they are made short and wide so although they accommodate the width of your belly the bottom of your belly hangs out of the bottom totally exposed. Not cute!
Cool Racerback
Modern Racer Back Tanks: Same as above but made with Pima Cotton and not Luon
5yr Pima T-shirts: Same as above. Even the Pima cotton snaps back to it’s original shape. I stayed with my pre pregnancy size for a form fitting t (that didn’t sacrifice length) or you could go one size up.

Run: Swiftly: short sleeve or long sleeve. Thin stretchy material that will keep you cool.
Run:Swiftly Tech LS

All of these tops above can be used post pregnancy for easy access breastfeeding. You can layer tops to give you belly coverage if you like to pull your top up. If you like to pull your top down like I do there is plenty of neck room and stretch and it will not destroy your shirt.

Nursing Bras: My advice is to try these on first and make sure you can easily pull them down for feeds because depending on your size they may or may not work for you.

I hate conventional nursing bras. They have no support and look awful under t-shirts because most of them are not at all padded. I hate clasps and having to do them back up after a feed and while balancing a baby on my lap. Depending on your size you may be able to get away with these:

Flow Y: Perfect for layering, good support without major compression that could cause plugged ducts. I’m a 36C and can easily pull these down for nursing. You can add the cups in the cup pockets or you can just slip them over your breast between the Flow Y and pull them out when you need to feed. That way you don’t scrunch them up. As a bonus they also work for minor leeks. This bra is also great if you run and need to nurse prior to leaving.
Flow Y Bra IV

Hot Yoga Bra: Low support, not good for running but a perfect every day bra for nursing. Luxtreme is my favourite material for bras these days and I wish they made a Flow Y out of it…with cups added of course. Easily slip the boobage out for feeding. Most comfortable bra ever.
Hot Yogi Bra

Diaper Bags:
Most Lululemon Bags are great for packing all of your baby needs. You need plenty of space, pockets for your things so that they are easy to find and most gym bags are made to carry dirty and sweaty clothes. Some bags even have side pockets to carry your bottles.
I love the On The Move Gym Bag because you can easily just through it in the wash if it gets dirty.
On The Move Gym Bag

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Cheryl July 21, 2010 - 8:52 pm

I love the power Y tanks as nursing tanks. much more flattering that the super-expensive nursing tanks available on the market.
I also use the Sequence tank, Hot Class tank (and bra), Bulerias tank, and the Hot Set tank.. These items are from past seasons but Lululemon seems to bring out similar tanks each season. The light-up tanks looks like it would work well as a nursing tank.
It's super difficult to find a 'sexy-nursing bra' that isn't going to break the bank.. I did manage to convert some of my normal bras into nursing bras (found a website with sewing instructions) and was a lot happier with the fit and function of my converted bras.
but I prefer wearing lululemon, it's much more comfy and you still look 'put together'!

Anonymous July 21, 2010 - 9:46 pm

Remix lux and dance pulse wrap were also two of my pregnancy staples. The dance pulse wrap looks really cute tied up over a growing belly

Lulumum July 22, 2010 - 1:20 am

@Cheryl -your right about the nursing tanks. I paid $68 for one from Baby's world and I never wear it because the bottom keeps rolling up on me. It's a luon like material too. Crazy that for once Lulu is cheaper. Never thought to use the Power Y. hmm, I have a sequence tank hiding somewhere. Now I'm going to try it on.

Anonymous July 22, 2010 - 3:45 pm

I am 7 months pregnant and the first lulu store opened in my area in May. One pof the challenges has been not knowing my pre-prego size and trying to determine what sizes will work now and later.
Things that are working well so far: flow Y tanks, CRBs, modern racer back, no limits tank (so perfect for pregnancy), relaxed fit crops, rolldown shorts, remix hoodie, flashback pullover, flashback hoodie, namaste wrap and still pants (though the black sttracts way to much lint for me).
The bras have not worked as well–they seem to hit at just the wrong spot–right at the top of my belly, making the band too tight. Going up a size would make the rest too big.
I'm looking forward to the longer new remix and the run pullover!

Julie October 11, 2010 - 2:13 am

I know this is an old post, but I wanted to say thank you because this has been so helpful to me!

Anonymous December 18, 2015 - 3:17 pm

I just purchased the straight up bra, and it is itchy on the straps, do not buy this bra, it will drive you crazy.

Lovemere December 8, 2020 - 10:15 pm

Wow! Amazing article. I read your article carefully. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog. Keep goings on.
Sports Nursing Bra


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