Light it Up Tank Fit Review Post Run

by Cristina

So just did my run tonight in this icky heat wave and I must say I love the Light It Up Tank even more now. I wore my Wish Blue one all day for casual wear (to keep me from bailing out on my run) and it was so comfortable going grocery shopping, having a mummy play date, visiting my mom and generaltoddler chasing and nursing the infant. All good, no feeling self conscious or overexposed.

Tonight I ran without the Flow Y underneath and thank goodness I started with that. Flow Y would have been way too hot under it. The support, although slightly less than the Flow Y (because I sized up) was enough that I didn’t even think about it or feel I was moving around all over the place. The body of the tank was great. I love how loose around the middle this is and that the Luxtreme doesn’t stick to my skin at all or restrict my movements. the gripper band on the inside left the top wherever I wanted it which was not all the way bunched around the middle but also not all the way down. I wore this over my Run: With it Crops and the griper band kept the top from gliding over the Luxtreme. It seriously stayed in place the entire run.

So all in all, I’m really glad I got two of these because I’m going to be getting a lot of use out of them. Especially as it gets hotter out and Ill need to run later in the evening to keep cooler. This is worth the price if your a runner and you plan on running out in the dusk/dark.

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Anonymous July 7, 2010 - 4:00 am

Your review sold me on picking up the Light it up Tank for running … hope they have my size left… thanks for the info!

Lulumum July 7, 2010 - 4:05 am

No problem. Enjoy!

kim July 7, 2010 - 11:58 am

hi lulumum – nice blog, btw. i am lulu-crazed yogi and would like to gift a few items to my new-to-lulu sister. she has a baby due in a few weeks and i noticed you praise lulu for post pregnancy. any favorites you can suggest? thanks again.

kim July 7, 2010 - 5:13 pm

these are great suggestions. have an awesome day! thanks for your help.

Lulumum July 7, 2010 - 2:34 pm

If she's having a c-section go for the still pants or crops. the waist in these pants are so comfortable over the incision and very forgiving over a still big belly. comfortable tops she can nurse in like the 5 yr Pima t-shirt or the Modern Racer Tanks, a nice thin hoodie like the free2be or the Shape jacket if she wants something to cover up while she nurses (if she chooses to of course). lulu crops, groove crops are also very good.
Good luck with shopping, she'll love that your getting her a gift because everyone gets gifts for the baby. So very thoughtful of you.

Anonymous July 8, 2010 - 5:21 pm

How did you find a pic of someone running a race in the Light Up Tank already!?

Lulumum July 8, 2010 - 7:59 pm

I think this was either the Pacific Place FB page or the University Village. A customer sent them this picture after they helped her decide on what top to wear and she was pretty happy at how her race went so sent them this picture. It was fortuitous that I had worn mine out for a run on the same day so it peaked my interest.


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