Light it Up Series and IJWR, Real Pictures

by Cristina

Light it up Tank. My fav! Wore it today out at dusk and felt really glad I chose that one because I hadn’t realized that the track that I run to is not at all lit up. I carried my blackberry in the bra part because I didn’t love it in the back pocket. my stopwatch was comfortably carried in the back pocket though.

The Jersey and Shorts. These look really great for golf. Not so  much the reflectiveness of it but the sporty yet preppy look. Lulu Lab has a really cute pair of golf shorts that would work great with this. they come in black and navy which I think would look really cute with the white jersey.

Finally a picture of the IJWR tank cinched up. The Pig Pink one is the one that appeals to me the most in the way it’s worn.

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Anju July 10, 2010 - 12:42 am

I actually can't wait for the jersey to go online… I intend to use it for golf!

Breianna July 11, 2010 - 1:50 am

I love the Masonville store girls! They are so awesome and I love that they post such great pics. That's my local store.


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