Upload Thursday

by Cristina

Unfortunate upload today but I figured that would happen with all the stores clearing out inventory this week making room for the new colors. Glad they put up some loot but they really need to include those items that the stores have such as the Stow and Go Jacket and all of the Half Moon stuff.

I’m glad that people are getting great deals but I really hate that this “strategic planning” leads to high priced items going on sale hugely discounted weeks later. My husband was shocked when I showed him the Stow and Go online at full price and then told him how much I saw it for in stores. He is my resource for all things reasonable and logical so I know this is crazy. I think as good as Facebook (and blogs) have been for Lulu’s business in drumming up hype for new products it can also serve to have them really take a look at how these business decisions really affect how the customers feel about the brand after we continually get disappointed with inconsistent markdowns, unfair price adjustment policy, not correcting price tag mistakes until there is a virtual uproar about it on Facebook and of course not including cup inserts with tanks. That’s like Nike not including laces with there runners. Please! One of the things I think Lulu does really well for us is the free shipping and I hope they decide to keep that because i only ever shop online if I’m not paying for shipping. It seems to me that there cutting corners wherever they can now and it would be a real shame for the free shipping to go next. I think what really ticked me off this week is seeing the Manifesto V neck on sale for $29 after I paid $88 only to have it ripped after the first use and then have a store pretty much tell me “too bad”. Now it’s on sale because the quality was so bad but still the sale prices vary from internet to store. *(June 24)I was just told by GEC after being asked to send a picture of the Manifesto shirt that unfortunately it does not appear to be a quality issue. This despite the feedback on the website which pretty much is made up entirely of people stating that the shirts have holes in them even as they are on hangers in stores and not with normal use. I’m really pretty pissed that they couldn’t even refund it at the sale price. This will definitely have an impact on what I purchase from them in future.

I’ve decided to take a break from purchasing Lulu until we go on vacation to Seattle next month, and then the only thing I will get is a Stride II in Wish if I see it. For now though I think i’ll just go in for fit reports and product notifications for this blog and ill have to make due with blog reporting for retail therapy. So sad.

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1 comment

Anonymous June 24, 2010 - 7:22 pm

Lulumum, I am in total agreement with you. I am also taking a lulu hiatus for now…


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