Totally Deflated but still walking away with something I wanted

by Cristina

I just got off the phone with GEC not too long ago and I was so happy because I finally got ahold of some SE Knotted Wunder Unders which have been out of my size online (checked this morning) and I’ve been hunting for them for the longest time. Such a sense of accomplishment. Well, I just logged online and all of a sudden they have my size in this. That just took the joy right out of my hunt. Oh well, I’m so glad I finally got them because they are so cute on. Tried the 8 at  Oakridge and was so tempted to just grab that one as it fit fine except for the muffin top. This is going to look so cute with my Bliss Tank or my Goddess Tank from the lab.
This is my little reward for having lost 10lbs as of yesterday.

LULU-2347 SE_Wunder Under Crop*Knotted,

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Breianna June 17, 2010 - 2:10 am

I have been wanting plain black wunder unders for a while now and now you have me wanting the knotted ones. So cute!

Lululemon mum June 17, 2010 - 2:42 am

There so cute for dressing up. I don't plan on using these for exercise at all. for that I use my Run: with it crops.

Breianna June 17, 2010 - 2:46 pm

LOL I would totally reward myself for every 1/2lb. I wanted these for regular clothes as well and not working out. I'm waiting for today's upload before I order just in case. My UPS guy thinks I'm insane as it is.

Anju June 17, 2010 - 12:18 pm

Congratulations on the 10 pounds! I say reward yourself by buying 1 item for every pound lost as a prize 😀

Lululemon mum June 17, 2010 - 1:48 pm

Thanks, those 10lbs are a big deal for me. I went such a long time with my running not losing anything.

I think I have actually been rewarding myself with every 1/2 lb.

Breianna June 18, 2010 - 2:06 am

I meant Fedex! Glad it's not the UPS guy or he would be charging me all those sucky brokerage fees that they do.

Lululemon mum June 17, 2010 - 7:15 pm

haha. The Fedex guys is pretty thankful it's not his wife ordering from Lulu I'm sure.

Vicki June 18, 2010 - 3:26 am

I was at metrotown tonight and they had the wu knotted crops is static charcoal. Very cute!


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