This is just sick of them. So unfair. I’ve been on the hunt for this Free2Be in Angel Blue for the past month and when I give up hope there it is. Oh well, I’m a big hoodie person anyways so it’s not an issue for me to have “too many” hoodies. I just have to get rid of all of my TNA hoodies that did not wear well at all to make room in my closet.
And the Run: Empower Crop I need (well, not a need per say) in potion purple of course but I will wait on that because I got an Oasis blue one at the outlet for $40 off which was a really great deal even though the color was not the best for these pants. I’ve run in them in a torrential downpour and they were literally dry when I got home. I even had my mother in law touch them to see how great they are. My only issue with these pants is that they are a tad long for a crop, but then again I am 5’4 so most crops look a little long on me.
you could always get the crops hemmed a bit? an inch or so not to lose much detail…
I have been debating getting these crops. I am only 5'2" and really have been wanting running pants more than crops. Maybe on me, these would be more like pants, and I wouldn't have to have them hemmed?
I've thought about it but I'm worried with all of the mesh and the line detailing that it will throw it all off and make it look funny. I should just do it though considering I got it on sale anyways.
I think you could do that. I'm 5'4 and I can pull these down to my ankles or wear them higher on my calves.