Different Zipper Pull (meh), Ribbed Luon (likey this) and Thick hoodie pulls. Hope this means it’s coming in new colors. Lulu? Wish Please! Right now this new version is available in Black.
I too am hoping they make the stride II in wish, but I want it solid. No contrasting zipper or other colors on it. I have 4 define jackets & 1 stride in black. Thanks for your report on the manifesto V-neck, I got a white one & white tank on markdown and I am going to be very careful with it. I almost had an impulse buy like you did but when I saw the $88 price tag ( I originally thought I had seen $68) I took it off immediately. I love Lulu and have bought way too much since I started buying in Feb. but sometimes I catch myself and realize it's just not worth the price. Example: do it all shorts. They are cute but not $68. Still shorts are $58 and I think that's fair. I just got the do it shorts on markdown for $49 still high but it's better than $68. Thanks for keeping us up to date on new styles.
I have the passion do it all shorts and I would live to pick up some more, I haven't seen them on sale anywhere so do tell 🙂
Mine obsessive spending started at my birthday in March. I kept going in buying things with my birthday money. When that was gone, then I kept say, "well it's my birtday month. After that, then it my reward for losing 22lbs. Now I'm just obsessed and there is no excuse. I do workout 6 days a week so you do need a variety. Now I've added the cotton pimas, sweatshirts, modern racer tanks, flashback crops, lulu pants & socks. Last night I was head to toe in lulu and so comfy.
The do it all shorts I bought were in palo alto, CA. The educators were trying them on and I asked if they were on markdown. They said yes, but when they scanned them it was regular price. The went back & talked to them and changed the price. I think they were just in the process of marking them down. I was thrilled because I think they should have originally been $49. I got black & they are very cute. Does anyone where the Dance studio pant. All the girls there that day had the black ones on they were cute. I think they would look good with my passion v-neck manifesto I just bought.
Your welcome!
Where did you find the Do it all shorts? I've been waiting for those to go on sale as there the right length for me but haven't seen them anywhere and wont pay full price for something I can only where in the warmer weather.
Yes I've been spending too much lately on Lulu too and it all started with a big gift card on my birthday, then I found I needed to keep adding to my collection.
That is too funny, our obsession story is almost identical. First the birthday $$ and then the weight loss reward and then the loss of all excuses. Oh well, I needed to fill up space once I got rid of my maternity clothes once and for all.
What store is this stride photo from? Thanks!! Love your blog 🙂
Saskatoon. Check out Coquitlams photos too. I've seen the Stride on West 4th but didn't take a close look at it because I thought it was an old version.