Retro Black Camo Cool Racerback Tank Detail

by Cristina

I just found this picture of the Retro Black Camo Cool Racerback Tank and it appears to be quite see thru, just like the last run of camo print Cool Racerback Tanks. Several readers have confirmed that it is the high polyester content version again which is quite disappointing (the lab once had a non polyester heavy camo print CRB so it is possible). I was considering getting one despite my dislike of the high poly content but now that I see how see thru it is I think I will pass. Not so much out of modesty but I just don’t like how that looks across the bust. 

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Anonymous January 17, 2012 - 3:59 pm

I have a camo tank from 5 or 6 years ago and I don't think it's see through. That's too bad. I was hoping to get another as mine is a bit snug. Christie

Anonymous January 17, 2012 - 5:58 pm

Just tried this on. SO see through. Definitely not worth it, IMO.


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