Spotted! Amy Adams with Lululemon Shopper

by Cristina

Amy Adams  is so naturally beautiful. I’m such a big fan of hers and really loved her in Julie & JuliaSunshine Cleaning and in Doubt. She’s one of those actresses that looks really different physically from roll to roll without actually changing much of her physical appearance. What I mean is, the first thing you notice when watching one of her movies is the character she plays and not the actress herself. I love when I can watch a movie and not get distracted by the celebrity.

I’ve never seen her wearing lululemon and am feeling really intrigued by what’s in that bag. Is she a Define Jacket girl with only technical down to business gear? If I had to guess I think she would have a pair of Wunder Unders in Organic Cotton, maybe a Hot Class Tank and for sure a Live Healthy Wrap in that lulu shopper.

What do you think is in her Lululemon shopper?

Amy Adams a lulumum with a Lululemon shopper and her adorable daughter.

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