Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Crossfit WOD

by Cristina

I had an enjoyable yet crappy work out this morning. Enjoyable because once I got there it was fun hanging out with my usual 6am workout crew, but crappy because I had zero sleep last night (thanks to my 4 year old) and I was up half the night and so my workout suffered quite a bit. We did bench press today and because of my lack of sleep (or what I’m attributing to lack of sleep), my weight was 20lbs less than what I can usually lift and it was a struggle at that. Also, my synapses weren’t firing quite right and I was having trouble connecting with my body and pushing from the heels even though I knew I should be doing that and that may have made the difference. It just wasn’t all coming together properly and I was just a bit of a mess but I’m really glad I pushed myself to go. I stayed in bed for 10 minutes after the alarm went off at 5 and considering my option of texting my friend to cancel and sleeping in. I just hate regretting not having worked out later on in the day and then having to wait a full two days before my gym day comes around again so I got up and just did it. And now I’m tired but at least not regretful. 

Lynne (AMRAP)

5 Rounds of Body weight Bench Press
*not for time*

I think the IIFYM ‘diet’ is going somewhat well. I’m still getting the hang of eating within the macros and entering in all of my meals. It’s hard because the calories don’t always add up with the macros so sometimes I’m under in the protein, but have 150 calories left over to use. But I want a calorie deficit so I don’t want to go over on the calories by having some protein. This is the part I’m still getting the hang of. 

At one point I’d lost 5lbs (over the past 2 weeks) and then went back up 2lbs, then back to my starting weight and then down a pound or two.  I’m fluctuating quite a lot so its hard to tell if its working or not but I do like that I can eat what I want as long as it fits in my macros and I’m eating at least 80% clean. One thing I’m doing is entering in all of my foods for the day in the morning and seeing what fits in my range and that way I can pre plan it without making impulse choices. Have a bit of extra calorie room, add a greek yogurt (greek yogurt is off limits with Whole 30!). At some point this week I’m going to have a 2 ingredient Banana/Macadamia nut ice cream made in my vitamix but its a lot of calories so I need to do it on a day that I’m eating a lighter dinner or something. Today I wanting a bigger protein dinner since I worked out so no room for the faux ice cream.

Outfit is kind of boring since I’ve been wearing my Bruised Berry A lot and I think I wore this Swiftly with these crops last week. Oh well. The Pique Forme Jacket was a new add. It was chilly on my way to the gym but I didn’t need it on my way home. 

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