Run: Brisk Arm warmer Review

by Cristina

Last night I went for a 7km run and used the Run: Brisk Arm Warmers for the first time. I’m rather late getting on the arm warmer band wagon as I’ve never felt a need for them, but now that I have two great tee’s (Swiftly in Lolo and Personal Best Senorita Pink) to wear and the weather is a bit cooler but not quite cold enough for a jacket I thought I’d give them a try.  I wore my black arm warmers with my Personal Best SS in Senorita Pink and loved them right away. as soon as it got too warm I was able to pull them off and loop them through the toggle on the Personal Best SS and cinch it up tight and I felt no movement at all with them while I ran. I was quite pleased at being able to stash the arm warmers so easily on this top as I don’t always (or even usually) wear my hydration belt in cooler weather. I hope Lulu keeps adding these toggled cinch cords to there running tops as I find them really useful and cute. My I Just Wanna Run Tank has that too and I love that I have two different ways of wearing that top, either short and bubbled around the middle or pulled all the way down. The little fabric loop attached to the toggle keeps it from flopping around all over the place while you run. The arm warmers have a really great reflective strip all the way down the back of both arms and I think it’s my favourite reflective design as it’s the most visible to drivers. I wish it could be added to some of the other long sleeve tops. the things I would change about the arm warmers (for the sake of constructive criticism) is that I would like them in running luon and not standard luon and perhaps thinner luon. I felt it was slightly bunchy and thick around the inner elbow and not the coziest feeling arm warmers. maybe even a static luon would be nice. I also wish there was a bit of a biased cut to the upper arm portion so that it’s shorter in the underarm and longer on the top part of the arm where it meets the shoulder.  That would make it more comfortable to the arm pit area while running. Over all, for $28 it’s a great add to my running gear collection. I wont get a ton of use during the year but it’s nice to have as an option when I want to wear a tee in cooler weather.

Brisk Run Armwarmer

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