Friday, July 26, 2024

Guest Post: Review by Vicki – Awareness Wrap

by Cristina

Pardon this post if it goes off on a tangent, I am watching the season finale of Teen Mom, and I do like my trash tv J So I headed up to Metrotown tonight to check out the much hyped Awareness Wrap. I’m not up on all the current or past wraps, I have no idea what the gratitude or savasana wraps look like and couldn’t tell you the difference between the two to save my life!

I went in looking for either the grey or the plum and after trying both on, went with the plum.
I normally take an 8, with exception to the strides and remixes, which I size down to a 6 for the tighter feel so I grabbed both a 6 and an 8 to take to the change room. The 8 was definitely too big, it made me look huge! It had a very “sack of potatoes” look to it. I tried both colors on in the 6 and the plum definitely looked better, which I think is due to the fact that plum looks dressier than the light grey does. Unfortunately I was wearing lined DSP’s, which I bought in a size bigger to be looser so I had quite the hobo chic look going on. It was very comfy, the sleeves were very fitted and cute and I can see myself taking fall strolls, arm in arm with my hubby, through town, crunching the leaves, and window shopping. Yeah, thats right, this wrap will change my life! Haha, suuuure! It is very cute though!

Thank you Vicki!

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1 comment

Paula M January 9, 2015 - 7:46 am

I like the outfit, really perfect for winter in my place. Me and my friends loves window shopping too! 🙂


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