Some new items

by Cristina

I seem to remember a gathered CRB tank out a while ago, maybe last summer that was similar to this one pictured bellow. That one was luon and came in an oatmeal color, and a few other colors that I don’t remember and I must not have loved the way it looked on me because I never got one. I think the gathers were much more exaggerated and went all the way up the back. I like that these ones come in darker greys and are made of organic cotton. I might get the chance to try on the polocross pants tomorrow so I’ll give you my opinion (and my friends objective opinion as well) on the fit on someone that is bigger on the bottom/hips area

Run: Crosstrain pullover and front view of
denim polocross pants

Gathered Racerback – Organic Cotton
Side view of denim polocross pants

Colors available in Gathered racerback

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Vicki August 2, 2010 - 11:49 pm

I have 3 of the gathered org racerbacks from a few years ago and I loved them, until I discovered the luon crbs. The gatheres are very cute, its a shame its in cotton that you cant work out in 🙁

jenn August 3, 2010 - 12:11 am

I love the gather racerbacks. I have two and would love more in cool colors!

Anonymous August 3, 2010 - 1:03 am

I tried on the polocrosse pants today … the denim ones .. the jury's still out

Vicki August 3, 2010 - 3:39 am

The polocrosse pants are super flattering and I can't ever wear grooves cuz of my thunder thighs! Try them on, you will be pleasently suprised

Lulumum August 3, 2010 - 12:16 am

Vicki I think your right about the luons being better. At least with those you have the option of wearing it for work out or layering/wearing out.

I think the reason I never got one was because I had just had my baby and was feeling a little but lumpy all over already and didn't like the gathers making things look worse.

Lulumum August 3, 2010 - 2:22 am

haha, I need to go on a high self esteem kinda day to try those on.

Lulumum August 3, 2010 - 3:44 am

@vicki – Really, wow, that's surprising about the fit of these vs the grooves. I would have never guessed. They look so nice and interesting on in the pictures but of course everyone is so thin in them too. These pants seemed a little bit intimidating. I will be trying these on tomorrow so perhaps if I'm not feeling too shy I'll add pictures.

RunningOnCoffee August 4, 2010 - 9:42 pm

I like those gathered tanks, too bad they're in cotton. If they were in a technical fabric, I'd consider them.


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