Adventures with a pill shaver.

by Cristina

I picked up a fabric shaver at London Drugs for $10 to test out on my Tranquil Crops from last summer. As I posted before these crops came in Aruba Blue and were Modal/Beechlu and very thin and silky soft. Unfortunately they became extremely pilly after just 2-3 washes even though I washed it by itself, inside out and hung to dry. I wanted to test a fabric shaver because I just got a Lux hoodie a few weeks ago which are Modal as well and I would hate for that to be ruined so easily. The new Shanti Crops in stores now are identical in the fabric as were my Tranquil Crops.

The shaver worked really well considering it uses just AA batteries, the only problem is that it took me about an hour to get the whole thing done because the surface area of the shaver is so small and you need to go over areas a few extra times. The pants are pretty much unpilled right now and very soft again but I wouldn’t call them like new. I ended up returning that shaver and got a bigger more powerful one at Zellers for $20 and it came with an ac adaptor and had a much bigger surface area. This one is really powerful compared to the other one. 

I think if you have issues with pilling luon or modal with any of your clothes this is a worthy investment to have. Also make sure to wash natural fibres together (cotton, modal, vitasea) and synthetics together (luon, luxtreme, nylon) although that is how I washed the Tranquil crops and it didn’t make a difference.


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